
How to Play Santa Claus for Children--A Short Guide

Article Presented by:
Victoria McCraw

Playing Santa Claus for children, whether as a semi professional shopping mall Santa, a charity Santa who works to cheer up less fortunate children, or even as the resident Santa at social and family gatherings, is a heartwarming and important job. Nothing can quite compare with the smile on a child's face when he or she discovers that Santa is in the room. With this knowledge, some may worry that they will not be able to portray the beloved figure realistically enough. While there are some superficial requirements to playing Santa (Santa Suits, a hearty belly laugh, etc.), the true measure of whether or not one is a successful Santa Claus is whether or not your attitude captures the jovial and caring nature of Saint Nick.

The first thing that one should consider when playing Santa is the type of Santa costumes that you will need. There are Santa suits for any budget, and there is no need to spend a great deal of money on such Christmas costumes unless you are playing Santa professionally. As long as the Santa suits are a close enough to the mark to let the children recognize you as Santa Claus, then they have served their purpose. Of course, children are notoriously perceptive when it comes to their favorite icons, and they will pick up on any incongruities immediately. In other words, do not expect to pull off the trick with a red pull over sweater and some cotton balls stuck to your face!

Once you have decided on the Santa suits that you are going to use, the next thing to do when playing Santa Claus is to work on that distinctive laugh of his. Remember to not get hung up on saying "Ho Ho Ho!" At best, that sounds forced. Remember that Santa's laugh should come from deep inside the belly and should explode outward in a shower of joviality. The idea is for the laugh to be both stereotypical and realistic. No two Santa players will do the laugh exactly the same.

The final, and perhaps most important, element of playing Santa is to have the attitude. Santa Claus is known as jovial and caring. If you are feeling tired and cranky (having children on your lap for hours at a time can have that effect), be sure to take a break to get your spirits back up before returning to the festivities. Even the most elaborate Santa suits are not enough to counteract the effects of a bad attitude.

About the Author:
Victoria McCraw Victoria McCraw is the founder of MySantaSuit.com. The site provides Santa Suits-Costumes, Christmas Costumes, and even Sexy Santa Helper Outfits in large selections and styles and all at Discount pricing. If you plan on "Playing Santa" this year, be sure to visit Santas little helper at MySantaSuit.com. You are free to distribute this article provided you keep the authors lines in tact.