
A Gift Of Flowers Is Better Than An X-Box

Article Presented by:
Wesley Berry, AAF

One of today's hottest items, and among the most requested gifts, is the X-Box game system. Although video games are a lot of fun, the money it costs to buy an X-Box would be better spent on flowers. In fact, according to a study titled the Home Ecology of Flowers Study conducted for the Society of American Florists (SAF) Flower Promotion Organization (FPO), flowers have an amazing affect on those who include them in their lives.

The study was conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., who is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and a practicing psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. One of the findings of the study was that they fuel compassionate feelings in people. Participants in the study began to experience more feelings of compassion towards other people after living with flowers for less than one week.

The study also showed that flowers help people to feel less anxious, worried, and depressed when they were at home. When participants were at home with flowers they quickly began to feel less negative. Because they wanted to see the flowers as much as possible and as soon as they woke up each day, the participants placed their flowers in areas where they would be spending a great deal of time, such as the kitchen, dining room, and living room.

Another finding of the study was that they improve the energy and enthusiasm of people who live with them even when the flowers aren't present. Participants felt better and happier in their workplaces just because they had flowers at home.

To help spread the great news of the positive impact of flowers, Dr. Etcoff will serve as the spokesperson for the SAF/FPO alliance for a major public relations campaign set to begin soon. The campaign will make the findings of the Home Ecology of Flowers Study public and keep generating information about flowers. Included in the campaign will be a press kit for print media, a satellite television tour, and other materials.

Incredible news like this is definitely cause for celebration. May I suggest a party complete with gifts? But, forget the X-Box, give flowers, instead.

About the Author:
Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar floral business that was established in 1946. His shops provide flower delivery worldwide through Flower Delivery Express. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at www.800wesleys.com