Article Presented by:
Todd Concklin
You just got back home and the front door is ajar. You slowly push it open and peer inside your living and dining rooms. To your horror the place is a mess. Drawers are pulled out of the china closet and your personal effects are thrown about - laid bare for the world to see. The couch cushions are thrown all over the floor and the dog is hiding under the kitchen table.
Once it hits you that you've been robbed you become afraid of who may be lurking inside. As you slowly make your way through the house with your broom in hand you breathe a sigh of relief when it becomes evident the burglar has left the scene before you got home.
You look around downstairs and are relieved to see that he didn't notice the emergency stash of five hundred bucks in $20 dollar bills you had hiding in your diversion safe in the pantry. You're not surprised though because who the heck would think to look in a jar of peanut butter for valuables? Actually it isn't really a jar of peanut butter but no one would know that.
Now you think to yourself you better hightail it up to the bedroom and see if he spotted the other 2 diversion safes you have up there. Let's see - you get to the wall outlet diversion safe and open it up. To your delight he didn't spot that one either. Good thing too since it has your $2,500 gold watch in there. Ok one last place to check. The laundry room. Did he find it? Ahhhh - nope here it is safe and sound. Your mother's wedding ring hiding snugly in a seemingly normal can of Scotch Guard.
Not only that, but the genius also neglected to notice that the can of Oxi-Clean was really a hidden camera which caught some nice vivid images of his smug face on video. The police were very impressed and happy to have that crucial piece of evidence. As a matter of fact the Sergeant who came to the call immediately recognized the thief as one of the regulars "downtown." The next stop after your house was to pick him up and get a confession after showing him the damming piece of video.
The Chicago Crime Commission states that a burglar spends an average of 8 minutes in the victims home. Put the odds in your favor...hide your valuables in plain sight. Diversion Safes are a unique home-security product.
Moral of the story: You can't always stop a thief from getting in but it is possible to outsmart him by keeping your valuables hidden in plain sight and maybe, just maybe, catch him on video for the police!
Diversion safes and hidden cameras are disguised as all sorts of normal everyday items that you'd (and more importantly a thief) would never suspect. There are beer and soda can safes, flowerpot safes, book safes, stone safes etc. etc. There are also hidden clock cameras, exit sign cameras, book cameras, smoke detector cameras, tissue box cameras, doll cameras etc.
You are only limited by your imagination.
About the Author:
Todd Concklin
Concklin Internet Affiliates
PO Box 605
Montgomery, NY 12549
More information on diversion safes:
More information on hidden cameras: