
How to Save and Use Graphics via Outlook

Article Presented by:
Joyce C. Lock

To Save a Graphic from an E-mail Received:

Before you click to forward or reply to that e-mail ...

Right click on the desired graphic.

Select: Save Picture As

File Name: (If you don't like the name that appears, highlight and backspace to delete it - then type in a name you recognize, so you'll know what the graphic is.)

Save In: My Documents

Select: My Pictures

C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents\\My Pictures

Select: Save

To Use a Graphic Saved in E-mail:

In the e-mail you are preparing, put the cursor where you want the graphic to go.

Select: Insert, at the top of your e-mail.

Select: Picture

Select: Browse

Look In: My Documents

Select: My Pictures

Select the graphic you want to use.

Select: OK

Note: To add a graphic to a received e-mail, click to forward or reply to that e-mail; then select the desired graphic.

Repositioning the Graphic within an E-mail:

Once the graphic is in your e-mail, run your cursor over it to highlight it.

Then, you can center it by clicking above the e-mail, the same place as where you click to center words on a page. It looks like a smaller version of this ...


Or, you can right click on the graphic, then select Copy.

Next, put the cursor where you want the graphic to be, then right click and select Paste.

Then, delete the first graphic, if so desired, one of two ways.

1.) Put the cursor to the right of the graphic, then back space.

2.) Right click on the graphic, then select Cut.

Note: once you add a graphic to an e-mail, if you do not plan to send that e-mail right away, be sure to save the changes in your e-mail or the graphic will delete itself.

Saving graphics may seem awkward to the newcomer. But as they say, "Practice makes perfect," and, once you get the hang of it, it'll be fun!

About the Author:
Joyce C. Lock is most known on the web for her long time involvement in numerous groups and e-mail ministries. She is a published author, poet, columnist, and Senior Writer for the Storytime Tapestry Newsletter. Her latest adventures include her new website Glimpses of God http://iam.homewithGod.com/glimpsesofgod unveiling mysteries via scriptural methods of Bible study. Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other. This article distribution was sponsored by: http://www.linksandtraffic.com/index.html