
Maintain your Network of Contacts

Article Presented by:
Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success

A lot of people have transitioned from the centralized workplace to a more individualized computer-based one. In the formal business environment, we would come in contact daily with peers in our profession. A computer or web-based business, by the nature of it, can isolate some people from the social interaction that the previous workplace afforded. In other cases, some socially reserved people find they have a vast computer-based professional and social network of contacts. How we maintain our network depends on your individual situation. I have found four methods that continue to work for me. They are

1. For your web-based business, establish a method to capture and respond to people visiting your site by requesting contact information: name, email, nature of their business, etc. Keep this step simple and to a minimum; no one likes to fill out a bunch of information every time they visit a site. Make sure you set up an auto-reply program. The auto-reply response lets the person know you will follow-up in the future with relevant information. The response should be brief and professional. This method allows you to screen for people who really want follow-up information or are just scanning the web. 2. Include in your email signature area links that are relevant to you. These should include your website address, your blog, and maybe an online forum you like. Include anything relevant, just in case your email gets passed on to someone who may find something appealing or of interest regarding this piece of information. 3. Establish yourself a blog. Very simple to do and is an enjoyable way to express yourself and share information. You will find a blog can create quite a number of contacts by people commenting on the subject matter or topic. This will build a support network that you can target for your service or business. 4. Participate in seminars, training sessions or workshops on subjects you are interested in. These are great ways to find and network with subject matter experts and people with similar interests and experiences. These can be online or in a seminar type situation. This is a great way to meet people with the same interests and discuss topics.

Get out and network in some form or fashion; you never know who or what the next contact may lead to.

About the Author:
Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com/blog