
You Will Never Succeed At Internet Marketing

Article Presented by:
Willie Crawford

During a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I participated in 11 different media interviews over a 3-day period. In all of these interviews, we examined the topic of what it takes to really build a massively successful online business.

What really surprised me was that my answer in ALL of the interviews was the same, and also incredibly simply. Each of the interviews pointed to only two major factors. Without these factors, most people will not succeed at building a large, profitable Internet marketing business.

What two factors are so essential that - without them - I can look you straight in the eyes and say, "You will never succeed at Internet Marketing?" The first factor is that you must market a product that people WANT! Since my very first month online, this has been rather obvious to me, although I didn't always take the appropriate action on this knowledge.

Nine years ago I often marketed affiliate products in the wrong way. I did it the way that all of my contemporaries were also doing it. We were all, mostly doing it wrong, and that's why 95% of them failed and went back to jobs that they hated.

The way we marketed affiliate products was by selecting products that "sounded good to us" - and then taking the provided promotional material and using it in the places suggested to us.

One problem with the above formula was that we often chose old, worn-out products that no one wanted. We tried to sell the market what we believed they needed rather than what they told us they wanted.

A second problem with the above formula is that we all ran the same ads in the same places. You often had ezines running a dozen ads for the same product. You often had dozens of marketers using the exact same word-for-word solo mailings.

How INSANE is that?

What's shocking - is that nine YEARS later, many marketers are still making the same mistakes, with the same business-killing results. Many affiliate marketers are still taking the material provided by affiliate programs, and using it without making any changes.

If you don't believe me, just look in your inbox during any major product launch. You'll see dozens of emails that read exactly the same, except they will have different affiliate URLs in them. If you subscribe to certain ezines that run lots of paid ads, you can also see that these ezines often STILL run numerous ads for the SAME product. Don't fall into that deadly trap!

Offer the products that your market wants, and offer it to them using promotional materials that use your own voice. It's "ok" to use the provided affiliate materials as a starting point.

It's not ok to use the same ads as dozens... even hundreds of others, and use them word for word. That only insults your readers, and also dooms you to failure. Just taking a few minutes to put your message, to your audience, in your own words, really separates you from those too lazy to make that simple effort. The second major problem identified in all of the interviews is the inability to make a decision.

Most Internet marketers destine themselves to total failure, or "massive mediocrity," by their inability to make a decision and stick with it. You must examine your options, consider the alternatives, make a decision, and then ACT upon that decision.

There's an old joke asking about three frogs sitting on a log. If one of them decides to jump off, how many frogs are left sitting on the log? The answer is three. Until the one actually acts upon his decision, nothing has changed!

The reason many people can't make a decision is that they fear making the wrong decision. A second, related reason that many people can't make a decision is "fear of loss." People fear that once they make a decision, if it's "the wrong decision," then they will lose what they would have had by making "the right decision."

The reality is that there is no wrong decision, except for not making any decision. Actually, deciding to do nothing is making a decision. It's deciding to be in the same place tomorrow as you are today. It's deciding to be in the same place a year from now that you are in today.

Making a decision simply means being "mature enough" to make a choice, and then acknowledging that it may not always be the best choice, but that it puts LIGHT YEARS ahead of someone who makes no decision (someone who chooses to do nothing).

You can't worry about what you will miss if you decide on one path instead of an alternative path. When you do, if you allow that worry to paralyze you, you choose no path, and that dooms you to failure!

My observations have actually been validated dozens of times over the past week. I've listened to recorded interviews of several dozen top online marketers. These were interviews that I personally conducted when I asked these top marketers the secret to breaking into "the Internet marketing inner circle." I was listening for commonalties in their answers. One of those commonalties was the ability to make a decision and then ACT upon that decision.

If you'd like to listen to those interviews, you can become a part of that inner circle at this membership site: http://TheInternetMarketingInnerCircle.com

My observations were also validated as I analyzed the case- studies of many ordinary people who had actually built successful online businesses. The most recent such case-study is that of Louis Burleson.

Louis (and his wife) gave him a budget of $50 per month to build an online business when he first started. Louis LOST $50 per month because that was the maximum amount of his business budget. Had it been higher, he would probably have lost more.

Louis now has a five-figure monthly income. I would be surprise if he did NOT have a high, six-figure annual income soon. Louis did this simply by analyzing the circumstances that he was in, analyzing the assets that he had, and then deciding to finally move forward.

Louis did something very important, and to me, something very inspirational. He build a duplicable marketing system that he documented, and then set up and used to market numerous different products. He wrote down everything that he did, and made it available to other struggling Internet marketers, complete with the customized software that he uses to make his system work EVERY TIME. You can (and should) check out Louis' system at: http://NoHypeInternetMarketing.com/TheKey/

On my third reading of Louis' report, detailing what he'd done, I hi-lited the passage that hit me the hardest. It reads:

"It's almost funny how you can just plod along doing essentially the same thing you've done for years and never realize how much knowledge you've actually amassed.

For years I struggled at internet marketing but I didn't know how much I knew (and how much I really wasn't applying to my business)."

To me those two paragraph from one case-study validated and summarized the problem. It summarized why many will never succeed at Internet marketing. It also points out the solution.

Take a few minutes now and make the decision that you will FINALLY make a choice. Then make that choice and act upon it. It's that simple. So many people are THAT close to success. Sadly, so many will simply never step across the line. Will you?

About the Author:
Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketers to build successful online businesses since late-1996. He is an in-demand, international speaker who captivates and motivates audiences in The U.K., Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and across the United States. Online you can interact with Willie on the member-only discussion forum at: http://TheInternetMarketingInnerCircle.com