Article Presented by:
Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success
What am I thinking or talking about? Technology has provided our society global connectivity as well as access to a multitude of higher education and unlimited resources never dreamed of 5 to 6 year ago. Think about what the cell phones, the internet, recording devices, personal technology items, and hand held computers ... what an outrageous statement I have made.
Let me expand on my statement and I beseech you to take a minute to reflect on the last 5 years (post 2000 and the global computer crash theory). What I am referring to gets back to the foundation of communication between individuals, business professionals, your peers and what our expectations are or in this case are not today. Have you talked to your kids lately? Their preferred method of communicating with adults is by cell phone, text messaging or an e-mail? Ughh, how have we as adults let this happen? Are we so busy with our own "technology" we have pushed our kids into a position that is not reversible by telling them to call, , text or somehow let me know were you are and what you are doing??? My answer is yes; can you think about getting through your day with out a cell phone?
Besides the kids, each subsequent generation seem to have their preferred method of communicating via text message, cell phone, smart phones interactive chat rooms, online video groups this is unbelievable. Thank goodness my parents still prefer to be called by telephone (landline so they can hear) so we can laugh share stories and listen to what a person is actually trying to tell you.
Not something like: RU Ok? G it! U2? Anyway I think you get my point, I'm purposely avoiding the test message world. I did check myself other day at work, someone in my office still has a pager (remember pagers?), guess what he had to do when he got a page ... borrow my cell phone ... Jeez.
What 4 things can you do to slow down and maybe stop technology from ruining the communication portion of your life? 1. Make it a point to have a personal conversation with someone in you office everyday. 2. Make you kids talk to you face to face o at lest turn of the electronics while you are driving in the car. I know sometimes this is not such a good idea. 3. Try to make sure your e-messaging is fundamentally correct in grammar and vocabulary usage. Do not truncate words or ignore using proper grammar. 4. Correct you children if they incorrectly communicate with you to your guidelines. Control over this when they communicate with you, there is no way for you to control outside communication between our children and their world, don't even try.
I'm not saying technology is a bad thing at all, what I do think has happened is let our fundamental principals of good communication slip to a point I am not comfortable with. I am going to start changing my behavior and would like to re-establish a communication with my family on a face to face personal level. We may never get back to eating dinner together on Sunday, that is probably just a bygone tradition in many homes ... too bad what a great place to catch up and talk through any number of subjects. Just give it a try, go shake you neighbor's hand, slow down and talk to someone.
I started to think about this subject while standing the line to vote yesterday. A person behind me (younger by at least a generation) piped up and said; *Why can't we vote by phone?* Think about what that may do to our concerns over voting fraud ... to your success, make it happen!
About the Author:
Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: