
My Future Starts Today!

Article Presented by:
Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success

My future starts today, say it out loud, say it silently to yourself, just say it! Like a lot of people, I looked at my past in an attempt to see what my future would be. After years of thinking about my future in this manner, I came to realize I'm actually stuck in the past in a lot of ways. Why, because of the comfort zone the past provides for us. I liked my routine, I was comfortable doing my job in a familiar work environment, I drove the same way to and from work everyday. I could even tell you how much extra time the school zones added to my drive; jeez I was stuck and did not realize it. Sure I thought about the future, my goals and dreams, but for some reason I could not take the step out of the past. My advice to you, do not let the past dictate your future.

I found it difficult to break from the habit of reflecting back to my past, even when I was trying to determine my next step towards the future. This reflection to the past was a very annoying cycle I that I fond myself stuck in. My breakthrough came after I started reading about successful people and learning about their mind set. A major amount of focus and effort during this period of time was trying to determine and improve my financial future. As a result, I set out to research and read about financially successful people to see if I could gain some perspective on improving my financial future. A few of the books I read included; Donald Trump's Think Like a Billionaire, T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad , granted most of the content is about how they made their money, but they also offer valuable insight into their thinking habits. What I found during this research was for you to understand the past and learn from the past, but do not let the past dictate your future. Look forward, take chances, sure there is going to be risk involved because you will be out of your comfort zone. This is the breakthrough I needed and will you need to make in trying to achieve your goals and step towards the future. If you have tried and not done so well on your own trying to change your mind set, do not get frustrated.

There are a number of companies offering courses, seminars and training opportunities to help you out. Success University (http://www.blogger.com/') is a terrific resource. Some of you may be familiar with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) (http://www.blogger.com/'), again there are many. Figure out what mattes to you, be willing to change, get over the blame game, and trust in yourself and others thus allowing yourself to be successful.

When I talk to people about change in general or why they argue not to change a behavior, or habit, I often refer to Albert Einstein and his definition of Insanity; Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Step into the future, if and when you have set backs just say, what's next...and move on.

About the Author:
Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com/blog