Article Presented by:
Brodie Abbot
In today's world, there are many means by which people can protect themselves. When thinking about self-defense, many people only consider martial arts or firearms. In truth, these are only two options from an array of self-defense mechanisms available. Through increased use in recent years, the advantages and disadvantages of stun guns, tasers, and pepper spray have become clear. All three items offer non-lethal means of protection, but one of them may be more appropriate than the others in a given situation. It is important to investigate the pros and cons of each product before deciding which may be the most viable option for you.
Stun Guns
Many people confuse stun guns with tasers, but the weapons are quite different. A stun gun is a small, handheld item that must make physical contact with the attacker in order to work. The gun utilizes two small probes that, once in contact with an attacker's skin, release a high voltage, low amperage charge. This charge will temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes, allowing you to escape to safety.
Pros- Stun guns do not rely on pain to stop the attacker, but instead simply stun the attacker, so that their voluntary muscle control ceases temporarily. Both pepper spray and a taser will inflict severe pain upon the attacker; the stun gun does not. Stun guns are inexpensive and small-they can be held in the palm of your hand. The shock will not transmit to you if you are in contact with the attacker, so it is very difficult to accidentally use it on yourself during an attack.
Cons- The biggest downside to a stun gun is that you must be close enough to your attacker to touch him. This will mean, consequently, that he will be close enough to reach out and grab you as well.
Again, tasers should not be confused with stun guns; a taser can be effective from up to fifteen feet away. A taser shoots two probes that penetrate the skin of an attacker, anchoring themselves at a depth of about three-eighths of an inch. Once the probes have attached, you can pull the trigger. Electrical charges will be sent from the taser through the body of the attacker, rendering him immobile. It is not essential, however, that the probes penetrate the assailant's skin; a taser current can jump up to 2 inches and still render its target immobile.
Tasers use a timing feature that delivers an initial shock for about 7 seconds; this is followed by shock waves every one-and-a-half seconds afterward. These periodic jolts keep the attacker from regaining his wits and removing the taser probes from his skin.
Pros- With a taser, you can disable an attacker from up to 15 feet away. This means that you do not have to be close enough to touch the attacker, as required with a stun gun. Tasers are commonly used by the police force, and much research has been completed on their efficiency. They are an effective means of self-defense, especially when used against someone who threatens use of a knife or blunt weapon, as you are able to maintain a safe distance from them.
Cons- Some people do not like the idea of using tasers because they deliberately cause pain to the attacker. For many people, the idea of shocking a person to incapacitation is hardly appealing. While quite rare, there has been the occasional report of death from taser shock, increasing the potential liability when using this weapon. These cases of death, however, generally occurred when the attacker had a history of health problems (such as heart trouble). People who use the taser can become additionally harmed, if the assailant regains their senses and removes the probes in order to continue their attack.
Pepper Spray
The technical name for pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), and it delivers burning sensation to the attacker when sprayed into his face.
Pros- Pepper spray is effective from 6-8 feet away, giving plenty of distance between victim and attacker. Pepper spray is a non-lethal product that will render the attacker virtually harmless for anywhere from 20-30 minutes. Once an attacker washes his face off with water, the burning sensation will, for the most part, cease. Pepper spray is available in many different containers-small canisters can be attached to key rings. Pepper spray is inexpensive and widely available.
Cons- Unfortunately, problems can arise when using pepper spray, especially when the wind direction does not cooperate. If you are attacked outdoors on a windy day, the spray may blow back into your own face when you aim for your attacker. Also, if your attacker sees the stream of spray coming, he may be able to avoid it. Pepper spray comes with a locking mechanism on the trigger to prevent accidental discharges; as a downside, this mechanism can sometimes be difficult to disengage.
Now that you know the pros and cons of these non-lethal self-defense tools, it is up to you to decide which one would be the best choice for you to use. Much of this depends on what you are comfortable with handling. Be sure to test each product to make sure that you know how to properly operate it once you buy it. The worst thing you could do is to pull out your self-defense tool in a jam, and then not be able to operate it. The assailant might become incensed enough to use your self-defense tools against you, once they have taken advantage of your inability to operate the equipment. This is where that Boy Scouts of America motto really comes into play, "Be prepared."
About the Author:
Specializing in self-defense and personal protection advice, Brodie Abbot writes for and other websites. When you are in the market to buy Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Tasers, security equipment, and other personal protection products, visit