Article Presented by:
Kelly Burris
What determines human behavior? There is not a Life Coach or for that matter a psychologist, psychiatrist or physician who can definitively answer this question yet this is the most fundamental question if you wish to initiate permanent behavior change. If you can not answer this question, how can you possibly expect to help someone make a change in their behavior let alone a permanent change? How can you move forward if you do not know what is moving you forward.
Another question your need to ask yourself is "Can I fix anything if I do not know how it works?" Occasionally you can guess and by accident you can fix something but if you are guessing, especially in terms of human behavior it is unlikely you will ever be able to repeat the results. Burris Life Coach Training and Life Coach Certification begin by answering the question..."What determines human behavior?" In the resolution of any problem it is always about the question. Never has this been more relevant. Imagine if for the last 60 years psychologists asked, "How can I fix it?" instead of "Why is it broken?!"
Example: If you get a flat tire on your car, do you want to walk back down the road to find out why you got the flat or do you want to know how to fix it so that you can keep moving forward? At some point it may be useful to know what caused the flat but the first objective and first question always needs to be...How can I fix it? It is certainly not necessary to spend the last 40 years of your life analyzing the first 40 years of your life.
The new standard Burris Life Coaching established for Life Coach Training and Life Coach Certification is a clinically proven process for behavior change. Back in the late 1980's when I completed the first version of this program process I presented it to my partner who was an MD PhD and a fanatical statistician.
After explaining the process and how well it could work, his response was "Prove It!" After he said that I realized that no one in the business of behavior change or helping people get control of their lives could prove what they were selling and this is still true today. Your mind and in particular your subconscious mind controls everything in your life yet no one can tell you how it works, until now.
In 1990 I introduced what is now Burris Life Coaching into psychiatric care with dramatic results and an endorsement from the psychologist who was head of the program. In 1992 I set up my first clinical studies and have maintained and refined the infrastructure for study of the program ever since. Even though the clinical studies specifically focused on Depression, Eating Disorders, Weight Loss, Motivation and Relationships the program has seen success in virtually every behavior.
The reason for this is the program is designed to guide you through the process of how a behavior works. You then learn how to recognize, access and change any behavior that simply does not work. This makes the Certified Burris Life Coach the very best because if they are asked to "Prove It" they have the training and infrastructure to do so.
Burris Life Coaching is based on the reality that all behavior is emotionally driven or in other words your emotional state = your behavior. How you feel about things will always determine whether you move toward them or not. You will always move toward perceived pleasure and away from pain. The key component of any behavioral change program must include how to get control of your emotional state.
The health of your body is dependent on your mental health and taking control of the subconscious is the key to lasting permanent change of any behavior. I will speak more on taking control of the subconscious in an upcoming article.
About the Author:
Written by: Kelly Burris. Become a Life Coach with the only clinically proven process for depression, eating disorders, weight loss, motivation, relationships and full control of your emotional state and behavior. Get started now on your Life Coach Training & Life Coach Certification. Every Personal Life Coach must be able to answer this question... "What determines human behavior?"