Article Presented by:
Sabrina Hinds
When you started learning about affiliate marketing online you were probably presented with numerous ways that you could generate an income. One of the popular methods that's presented is to create a content website - maybe you embraced the mantra "Build your website".
So you set about creating a website with free content. Maybe two of them. Or three. After all... you had several different ideas and you figured that any of them could be a moneymaker.
But soon you realised that getting those websites up and presentable, much less profitable - is a lot of work. Nevertheless you toiled on, and you arrived at the point where you could plug Adsense, Bidvertiser or your own advertising into the site(s).
Ahhhh.. now the money should start to roll in.
But does it?
It probably would, if the sites didn't have the activity level of a ghost town. But you persisted, adding unique content, using others' articles... and if you got really desperate, you may have even cranked up the article generating tools.
Lots of work. More than you bargained for huh?
You see, I understand... I've had several sites myself - some of which have not made me a dime. But now, after missing the point repeatedly, I'm working less to make more. And I will eventually get around to applying this principle I'm about to share with you to some of those unprofitable sites.
So... What's the secret to working less to make more?
I'm going to give you one way of making more money without wearying yourself with hours of fruitless work. It will still be work mind you but it's guaranteed to be much more profitable.
You may find it is the missing link that, if you apply it, will help you to make more profit, more quickly from your efforts. It's simple, but I know many that have missed it.
First of all, let's agree that you want to attract as many visitors as you can, to just one or two of your business' main entry points. If you are laser-like in your focus it's going to be easier for you to make significant progress.
So, whether it's a lead capture page, a free viral ebook or a specific sales page, decide to focus all your efforts for at least the next month or two on getting visitors to that one entry point.
Next, understand what massive action really means in your context, determine where you can get the most leverage and take massive action there.
Let's take article marketing as an example. The goal is to have as many people as possible reading an article that you wrote. The purpose of the article is to give the reader good value for their time and then direct him/her to your entry point. In one scenario you can have thousands of people reading a single article. In another, you may have hundreds of individuals each reading several of your articles.
Where do you get better leverage on your time so that you earn more while working less?
When I first tried article marketing a while back, I figured once I submitted my nicely polished article to a few handpicked, highly trafficked article directories, that hundreds of ezine publishers would be snapping them up.
Umm... no. Big mistake. Sure the articles got picked up but I got nowhere near the leverage I might have got if I had submitted them to 20, 30 or more distribution points.
The leverage here is in getting the article to the hundreds of publishers that are willing to share it with their readers. One article widely disseminated is much more profitable than 5 that hardly see the light of day (relatively speaking). Plus... it takes much longer and more effort to write multiple articles.
The secret is therefore to consider carefully what consumes your time in your business. Leverage any opportunity to reach the market as widely as possible with as little effort as possible and you will find that you can work a lot less while generating a lot more profit.
About the Author:
Written by: Sabrina Hinds
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