
Pepper Spray Versus A Stun Gun: Which Is Best For You?

Article Presented by:
Fred Cheney

Pepper spray and stun guns are two of the best options available for making sure you are prepared for anything. But this is not a one-size-fits-all world. We all have our own tastes in music, food, clothing, and lifestyle. Your choice of how you are going to defend yourself if faced with an attacker is just as personal.

When choosing between pepper spray and a stun gun, you must consider three things: Your personality, your geographic location, and your physical strengths and habits.


Do you go into panic mode fairly easily or do you stay steady in the face of a potential threat? People who tend to panic will be a better match with a stun gun than their braver counterparts. This is because with a stun gun, you do not have to hit a certain spot – simply zap your attacker anywhere on the body. Pepper spray, on the other hand, must be sprayed directly into the face and eyes to be effective.

Geographic Location

Do you live in a particularly windy area? If so, a stun gun will be more useful to you than pepper spray. Not only does spraying into the wind make it likely that you’ll miss your target, but it could also blow back into your own face. Rainy areas can also pose a problem for pepper spray use. A stun gun will zap just the same in windy and rainy weather as it does on a sunny day bathed in calm air.

Strengths and Habits

Think about your strengths and weaknesses. Pepper spray can be sprayed from a distance of eight inches to around ten feet from your own face – some brands and types may spray even further. To use a stun gun, you must actually press the device up against your attacker. Can you do that? And since stun guns are harder to hide than small canisters of pepper spray, think about your typical attire. Do you layer your clothing or often go without a coat? Do you wear loose outfits or do you prefer skintight threads? You must think through how you are going to carry your personal defense weapon. The newer stun guns are more compact but pepper spray is still the smallest and lightest form of self-protection on the market today. Stun guns are heavier and more awkward to keep secret.

The reality is that both pepper sprays and stun guns will help you to effectively defend yourself. However, like so many other things, some will work better for one person but not the other. Think your decision through before making your purchase. As inexpensive as they are, you may find it to be convenient to buy both. Carry a pepper spray on your key chain or in your purse and have a stun gun ready for quick access in your vehicle. That way, you can increase the odds that you will be prepared to fight back effectively according to the circumstances. The choice is up to you.

Fred Cheney

Pro-Tech Products

About the Author:
Fred Cheney is the owner of Pro-Tech Products at: http://www.citizensfightingback.com

Pro-Tech Products specializes in providing personal security products and other self defense items. They carry a wide range of security products to help you to protect yourself and your family. If you would like to know more about how pepper spray and stun guns can help protect you from harm, check out: http://www.citizensfightingback.com/runtstungun.htm