Emerson Lockwood
A fireplace is an added bonus to your home and in some areas a necessity, especially if you live in colder northern climates. Perhaps you do not have a fireplace, but it sounds like it would be a great improvement you would like to have in your home.
If you are considering the addition of a fireplace to your home, then the first thing you need to decide is which kind of fireplace would best suit your home.
Natural gas inserts and freestanding stoves help to not only keep your home warm, but also burn cleaner and help maintain indoor air quality. Despite today's high natural gas prices, these sell better than wood burning fireplaces and create less outdoor pollution problems.
Gas fireplaces, gas inserts, and pellet stoves are popular among today's consumers in providing efficient zone heating. When you think about these types of fireplaces as a supplemental heat source, you will see utility bills drop, due to the fact you do not have to keep the thermostat set as high as you would without it. A natural gas fireplace can efficiently heat up to 1,000 square feet of living space in your home.
Before deciding the type of fireplace that would be best for you and the model that you would like to own, keep in mind some of the following points:
So if a fireplace sounds good to you and you are looking to save money on high energy costs, a fireplace or stove could be a good investment. Just remember to take into consideration your location, preference and lifestyle. If you make the right decisions now, you will enjoy your new fireplace or stove for many years to come, without the regrets that many people face after they have made a ill-informed decision.
About the Author:
Emerson Lockwood write on topics related to Home Technology, Home Improvement and Home Financing. You can see more of his work at the Super Home Ideas website. Super Home Ideas covers everything to do with your home: Home Improvement, Home Repair, Buying and Selling a House, Financing a Home, Buying Homeowners Insurance, Gardening and Landscaping... Learn more at: http://www.SuperHomeIdeas.com