
Fun in the Sun? Protect Yourself First

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DBA AdPro Media Sales, All Rights Reserved Written by: Kamau Austin

Since ancient times, many practices have been passed down to posterity, but their implications and inner meanings have changed. One of the best examples for this is sun-bathing. Until recently, the suntan created by excessive exposure was considered a sign of poverty.

Sun-Bathing: A Favorite Pastime

Today, sun-bathing is one of the most sought-after pastimes, and people throng beaches and other water sources to have fun in the sun! As a result, many tourist centers provide exclusive sun-bathing facilities to attract more visitors.

People of all ages, from toddlers in polka-dot bikinis to retired men soaking up the sun in beach chairs in Miami are interested in sun-bathing. It is fun to go out in the sun, but you need to be aware of the effects sun-bathing has on your skin and how you can protect yourself. Otherwise, sun-bathing can cause you long-term health hazards.

Hazards Posed By Excessive Or Reckless Sun Bathing

  • The first and most prominent effects of sun-bathing will be sun spots, suntan, and sunburn. Remember, sunlight comprises ultraviolet (UV) rays which directly attack your skin, making you prone to hazards like skin cancer.

  • Sun-bathing also places your eyes at risk of damage from UV rays and can cause cataracts.

  • Your skin suffers from darkening and thickening of melanin-called melanoma. This makes your skin age quickly. The sun's rays penetrate your skin and cause extensive damage. You may develop wrinkles, freckles, or light spots, and your skin will have a coarse surface. Your blood vessels and capillaries will be damaged and dilated, making you a high risk for developing tumors. Your skin might be affected by actinic kerotoses or sun spots.

  • Research has also proven that overexposure to UV rays releases chemicals into your bloodstream. These chemicals, most of them endorphins, are capable of making you feel "high." This feeling creates an addiction for chronic sun-bathers!

    Facts About The Sun's Rays

    Even though there are cosmetics and other forms of treatment for skin damage caused by sun, the results are seldom satisfactory. The best treatment is prevention.

    First, know the approximate time when the sun will be at its peak. Usually between 11 am and 3 pm, you should not sun-bathe. Remember that, because of the thinner atmosphere there, the sun's rays can be more damaging at high altitudes. Sometimes, even clothing is not enough to protect your skin, especially while swimming.

    Take precautions-don't allow sun bathing to take its toll on your skin. Protect your skin by following a few precautions before you expose it to the sun.

    There are alternatives to sun-bathing. The most popular among them is one using artificial UV rays. Tanning in a sun bed gives you a chance to feel relaxed while you tan, but since it uses artificial rays, doesn't require you to face the sun's rays.

    Always wear proper clothes and a hat large enough to protect your face, eyes, ears, and the back of your neck. Proper coverage will significantly reduce sun spots. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays.

    Apply a sunscreen to your skin for prolonged sun exposure. Choose a sunscreen product based on its Sun Protecting Factor (SPF). The higher the SPF ranking, the more protective the product will be. The higher numbers should be applied to people who live in high altitudes or who have fair skin. People with darker skin tones can choose a lower SPF product. To facilitate usage, sunscreen products are produced in the form of gels, creams, lotions, or alcohol solutions.

    There are also sun-bathing creams and oils available. Don't confuse these products with sunscreen products. These creams act as lubricants and protect your skin from dryness. When used exclusively, they often increase the potential for UV ray exposure.

    Creams like Lumnaderm(tm) have been developed after extensive research. Lumnaderm(tm) fights pale and discolored skin and rejuvenates it to give a fresh youthful look. It is an effective solution to treat skin damages caused by the sun's rays. Lumnaderm(tm) is available from http://www.bodestore.com and http://www.amazon.com.

    Treating A Sunburn

    Most of the cosmetics prepared to combat sunburns contain aloe or vitamin E. Some of the common household or folk remedies recommend the application of white vinegar, lavender oil, cold tea, yogurt, or tomatoes to sun-damaged skin.

    Apart from such topical treatments, you can use analgesics like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease the pain caused by sunburn.

    Sun-Bathing Is Still Possible

    Sun bathing is a favorite pastime today. It can be fun, but you should take steps to prevent damage to your skin.

    About the Author:
    Written by the V-Team courtesy Kamau Austin Publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips about skin care at http://www.healthandfitnessvitality.com/blogs/fitnessblog.htm

    This article is for general information purposes only. Before under taking any exercise or treatment program always first check first with your doctor and health professionals.
