Article Presented by:
Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success
Everybody in the world will have to make a decision or two today. But not everybody is equipped with the same level of decision making skills. One of the best ways to develop these skills is by simply practicing them. Unfortunately, sometimes while you are practicing these skills you may end up making some bad decisions. But at the same time there are also ways to develop your decision making skills by simply analyzing different situations.
There are a few different ways of thinking, and all of them contribute to a different decision making mindset.
First off, when making a decision you can do so by looking purely at the data and facts that are presented. Look at the information that is available to you, as well as the information that is missing. By doing this you will be able to assess the situation at hand, and come up with the best solution. One important thing about this decision making process to remember is that you will not know everything about the situation. It is up to you to do your best to plug the gap with what you do know.
Many people make decisions based on intuition or a gut reaction. This works for some people, but many people find it to be too risky. The majority of people prefer to analyze a situation completely and make a decision based on facts (see above.)
If you always think negatively, you probably make decisions by looking at all of the bad points in a situation. This can be a good way to solve a problem, as long as you try to formulate ways to turn bad points into good points.
On the other hand, there is the group of people who always thinks positively. These people look at a problem and see all of the good that it can bring to them. Just remember to not let all of these good thoughts taint reality.
Another group of people likes to make decisions based on creativity. These people are always looking for a new and better way to solve a problem. They are trend setters.
And finally, there is a large chunk of the population that feels that they need to be in complete control to solve a problem. These people are often difficult to work with because they are not usually open to new ideas.
Overall, people solve problems and make decisions in a variety of different ways. There is no right and wrong way to go about doing this. It all comes down to which process you feel most comfortable with, and which one you have had the most success using. Remember, there is nothing wrong with incorporating all of these ideas in order to improve your overall decision making skills.
About the Author:
Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: