
Health Savings Accounts and Chiropractic Care

Article Presented by:
Wiley Long

The healthcare industry in the United States is dominated by the culture of conventional Western medicine. And health insurance caters to those who control the industry: medical doctors and hospitals. There is a long history of prejudice against chiropractic by medical doctors, which is one reason that chiropractic care is not often covered by health insurance.

Many research studies have shown that chiropractic care is beneficial and that it is more cost effective in the treatment of low back pain and other common musculoskeletal conditions than traditional Western medicine is. Chiropractic also lowers health care costs by focusing on prevention, was well as on treatment.

It is surprising that health insurers choose not to cover treatment that is as beneficial and cost effective as chiropractic care is. Studies have continually shown that individuals who seek the care of a chiropractor on a regular basis are healthier and, generally, spend less on health care than those who do not.

Chiropractic Care and Consumers

What is not surprising is that consumers are wise enough to see the advantages of chiropractic care. Many people prefer to see a chiropractor simply because they see tangible benefits from the care they receive. Many others are disillusioned with traditional Western medicine and the healthcare system, and they look for alternatives such as chiropractic care.

It is clear, both from patient testimonies and from clinical research that consumers benefit from chiropractic care. Unfortunately, they may have difficulty affording chiropractic care because it's often excluded from healthcare insurance policies.

Health Savings Accounts can help consumers afford chiropractic care, even when it is excluded from their health insurance policy. They can pay for chiropractic care and other alternative medicine with pre-tax dollars by using a Health Savings Account.

Many chiropractors keep their costs as low as possible in order to make chiropractic care more available to consumers. They can, however, only absorb so much of the cost of providing that care. Another way chiropractors can help clients gain access to chiropractic care is to encourage the use of Health Savings Accounts.

Health Savings Accounts and Consumer Choice

The combination of a Health Savings Account and a High Deductible Health Insurance plan is supposed to encourage individuals to become thoughtful, wise consumers of health care. The individual is spending more of his or her own dollars on healthcare, so she will be more concerned about how those dollars are spent.

Health Savings Accounts give consumers more choice in how their healthcare dollars are spent. Money in the HSA must be spent on approved medical expenses, but there are really very few restrictions on what kind of healthcare you choose. More and more chiropractic patients are discovering that having an HSA is saving them money on their medical expenses.

Traditional health insurance has gatekeepers and controls. Even when chiropractic care is covered (not typical on individual plans), the individual requesting chiropractic care may be required to go see their family physician (or gatekeeper) and get a referral. Not all medical doctors will refer to chiropractors. If chiropractic care is covered on the health insurance plan, and if you can get a referral (which amounts to permission to see the chiropractor), there may be limits to the number and types of treatments you can receive.

Using a Health Savings Account to pay for chiropractic care gives you, the consumer, more choice. You can choose what type of medical treatment to get, where you will get that treatment, and how many treatments you will get. You can spend HSA dollars on preventive care as well, and actually have the government give you a tax deduction for keeping your family well.

About the Author:
Wiley Long - HSA for America (http://www.health--savings--accounts.com) - Independent health insurance firm specializing in >HSA Plans>http://www.health--savings--accounts.com/hsa-plans.htm that work with a Health Savings Account.

An Email Signature That Really Holds Water

Article Presented by:
Mark Silver

You know that little dangling thing-a-ma-jig that hangs on the end of your emails? Your email signature? I bet you don't pay it much attention.

But, all the same, you're kinda counting on it doing its job. You're counting on the perfect person reading it, clicking the link to your website, and becoming the perfect customer.

Unfortunately, most email signatures just don't deliver. Why not?

Email readers have been getting a workout.

Have you ever spent time in the gym, or jogging, or just out having fun in the sun, and gotten really thirsty? You know, -really- thirsty?

I exercise hard about three times a week, and let me tell you, during and afterwards I'm drinking a lot of water. If you want to ask me a question when I'm parched like that, I'm more than likely going to stop you in mid-sentence, "Hold on- I gotta get a drink."

Anyone I know who has email is getting a work-out. There is a LOT of email coming through. People in the midst of an email workout tend to read it, answer it, and move on to the next! Right? Isn't that what you do?

So what happens when you see a signature that looks like this?

"Spiritual business healing Mark Silver Heart of Business 503-282-3037 http://www.heartofbusiness.com "

That's right- you zzzzip! right past it, onto the next email. Chances are, unless you get a rare intuitive hit, you aren't going to click on it.

It's even worse if you participate in an online forum. At least if someone has emailed you, there's already a relationship happening. If you are posting something in an online forum, or in a yahoo discussion group, you want people to click through your signature to your website. But they don't.

Give the poor email reader a drink of water.

What you want is the signature equivalent of a drink of water in the middle of a hard workout- one that actually gives your email reader something useful, right now (just a click away). They aren't hard to write, and I think you'll have fun with them.

Ready to write some signatures that deliver a cool glass of water on a hot day?

Keys to Serving the Water

  • Don't go home.

    Your home page, even when it's written effectively, is meant to connect with people. But it doesn't necessarily give immediately useful information.

    Instead, link to an article you've written. And, if you need a format for an article that works, I've got a link at the end of this article that will help you.

  • Be polite, and ask before you give.

    The key here is asking. Most signatures are statements. But, by asking a question, and especially a question that is relevant to what's true for them: "Are you thirsty?" it's hard for the reader not to engage with you- by clicking.

    Then, once they click through, you have a strong action step at the end of your article: ask them to subscribe. Because they've just gulped down some of your water, they'll be more likely to sign up for a regular dose from you.

    Which is what you were hoping with your original, 'home-page' signature. Right?

    An example:

    I wrote an article about how to hand off your most hated business tasks. So, I created an email signature that links to that article:

    "In running your business there are things you love to do, and things you don't...

    Wondering how to hand off your most hated business tasks? Read this article: http://www.heartofbusiness.com/articles/2006/Apr19.htm "

    Notice I had a one-sentence summary of the main problem the article solves, and then I asked a question. And then the link. Very simple.

  • Important Note for Links:

    Always include the 'http://' in front of the 'www' - that ensures that nearly any email program will automatically turn it into a clickable link. Without the 'http://' your link may just be plain text- and no one will click - because they can't click.

    Here's another one:

    "No matter how much, or how little, your business earns, it always seems as if there's just enough... Is it ever possible to go from 'just enough' to extra?

    Profitability: How to get from 'just enough' to having extra. http://www.heartofbusiness.com/articles/2005/July11.htm "

    Go ahead and click through on either of those links to see what's at the end of the article.

    And then write some new, thirst-quenching signatures, and go get those thirsty email readers some water.

    Liked the article? Bugged you? Questions? Drop me a line.

    And here's the article-writing resource I promised earlier, (in the form of a signature):

    "You know you need to write articles for your business, because they position you as an expert, and create trust with your readers.

    How -do- you write articles that get read, remembered and recommended? Read this article: http://www.heartofbusiness.com/articles/2006/Aug2.htm "

    My very best to you and your business,

    Mark Silver

    About the Author:
    Mark Silver is the author of Unveiling the Heart of Your Business: How Money, Marketing and Sales can Deepen Your Heart, Heal the World, and Still Add to Your Bottom Line. He has helped hundreds of small business owners around the globe succeed in business without losing their hearts. Get three free chapters of the book online: http://www.heartofbusiness.com

  • Six steps for saving a good referral gone bad

    Article Presented by:
    Judy Murdoch

    Referral-based marketing is one of best ways for a small business to promote its products and to attract new customers. It's how I've grown my business and it's how I help my clients grow their businesses. too.

    But there is a "dark-side" to referral marketing and if you're committed to growing your business based on customer referrals, you need to be aware of potential problems that can occur. And how to handle them.

    True story: The (very) unhappy client.

    Before founding Highly Contagious Marketing, I worked as a technical writer and trainer. Like many technology experts, I worked awhile for a consulting company that would hire me on a contract basis to work on projects requiring my skills. During this time I earned a reputation for doing quality work and doing it quickly.

    One day, they offered me a project, that from their description, sounded fantastic: The client was in the Fortune 100, we would be developing a new training system that would be deployed in locations throughout the U.S., and I was the project leader with a staff of three.

    The client was very excited about working with us too because they were told that I was one of their best project leads and had never missed a deadline.

    Unfortunately, it was a complete mess from almost Day One.

    I could spend quite a bit of time recounting what went wrong but when you really got down to it, the conditions that helped me succeed in previous projects weren't present in the current project. In the previous engagements, the client genuinely appreciated my presence, I worked directly with the project sponsor, and had free access to subject matter experts.

    I discovered too late that the conditions that contributed to my previous successes were largely missing in my current situation. There was a power struggle between the project sponsor's department and the project manager's department, the subject matter experts resented our presence because they wanted to create the training system, and system desired by the client was far more extensive and complex than what could be completed in the allotted six months.

    And that is a good example of a referral gone wrong.

    The people who referred me were telling the truth: I had done a great job for them under a specific set of conditions. We assumed this project would the same and didn't do enough research to surface the issues that made the engagement such a struggle.

    As a small business owner, have you ever gotten a referral who comes to you excited about working with you but once you begin working together, it feels like a constant struggle?

    If you have, it's a very slippery slope indeed because:

  • You worry that when word gets back to your referral source they will never refer anyone to you AGAIN.

  • You worry that your new, unhappy customer will tell EVERYONE about the lousy job you did.

  • You are concerned that the time and effort spent dealing with your unhappy new customer will shortchange your loyal core customers.

    And you SHOULD be worried because when it comes to word of mouth communications, people are ten-times more likely to share a negative experience than a positive experience.

    But, good news, you can handle these situations gracefully to neutralize unhappy feelings and to perhaps even create a win-win for you, your new customer, and your referral source.


    1. Assess what caused the problem

    You need to objectively assess what caused the problem. More often than not, these problems occur because you and your customer didn't fully discuss assumptions and expectations. What assumptions did you make that turned out to be incorrect? What expectations did your customer or client have that you didn't know about or disregarded?

    2. Fully own your part.

    However unpleasant your customer or client may be, business relationships don't exist in a vacuum. In some way, however small, you contributed to the current situation.

    I've found the best way to handle these situations is rather than look for blame (a waste of time and energy in my opinion), own your assumptions, expectations, and behaviors that contributed to the problem.

    3. Apologize.

    If you fully own your part, apologizing is a lot easier because you're no longer on the defense. When you're off the defense, there's simply nothing for your customer to react to. They may still be angry and disappointed but they will no longer see you as the adversary this opens up the opportunity for accord.

    4. Offer redress if appropriate.

    If part of your agreement included a guarantee, ask your client if they want to take you up on the guarantee. If you don't offer a guarantee, you need to work out an agreement fair to you both.

    5. Tell your referral source what happened (without putting down the other party).

    If you initiate the contact to share the news, you will be viewed by your referral source as honest and forthcoming.

    If they hear it from the person they referred, they will wonder why you didn't let them know and possibly assume it's even worse than it sounds. To get referrals, your referral sources must trust that you will do good work for the prospects they send you. They must feel confident that giving you referrals will make them look good. When they feel uncertain about your business, they will not risk their credibility by sending you referrals.

    That's why, however, uncomfortable it may feel, it's important that you be the bearer of the news.

    6. Use what you learned to refine your Ideal Referral Profile and share the profile with your referral sources.

    I cannot place enough emphasis on how important this step is. Creating and sharing an ideal referral profile makes it infinitely easier for referral sources to spot opportunities on your behalf, increases the odds of converting the referral to a satisfied customer, and . . .

    . . .by explaining to your referral what and ideal referral is for your business, you also explain why the one they sent you didn't work out and helps them better select who they send you the next time around.

    About the Author:
    Judy Murdoch helps small business owners create low-cost, effective marketing campaigns using word-of-mouth referrals, guerrilla marketing activities, and five-star strategic alliances. To download a free copy of the workbook, "Where Does it Hurt? Marketing Solutions to the problems that Drive Your Customers Crazy!" go to http://www.judymurdoch.com/workbook.htm
    You can contact Judy at 303-475-2015 or judy@judymurdoch.com

  • 12.28.2006

    10 Ways to Stay Ahead of Your Restaurant Competition - Part 2

    Article Presented by:
    Ian Macdonald

    Every restaurant owner should constantly be taking an objective look at how well your restaurant is doing. Staying ahead of the competition will keep you on your toes. Here in part 2 of this article, we look at more ways you can get a good report card.

    6. Be aware of your customer's preferences and usual favourites.

    Customers love to feel special. Most diners go to a restaurant for an experience, not just a meal. You know how it is if you go somewhere regularly and they can never remember you, or they do, but they can't remember your name. How special do you feel then? If a customer orders the same drink all the time, not only do they think it is nice if you remember, they will soon start to wonder why you can't if you don't. Customers always are impressed when a server remembers their preferences or favourites from visit to visit.

    7. Don't get too chatty with guests

    It's great to have a chat with customers, and it should be encouraged, but it should not be overdone. A server may even spend extra time with a customer before the food arrives, however they should be basically left alone after that, other than checking for additional needs.

    8. Think of customers as family and close friends

    Think of your family members and your friends for a moment. You know that Harry likes seafood but does not like oysters. Warren only drinks single malt scotch and Jenny loves Chardonnay. Bob likes ice cold Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and hates garlic. Get to know your customers the same way and it will pay off.

    9. Keep record cards

    I like to keep small record cards about customer's details and preferences. They record information about a customer's likes and dislikes. It has birthdays, anniversary dates and any other information that is deemed important to help make them feel special. Reward your servers every time they add something to a card. Don't get too nosy, but generally people love to share information with people they trust.

    10. Treat complaints as an opportunity to fix something and develop a closer relationship

    OK...it happens! It does not matter how efficient you are, you will always have to deal with complaints.

    Bill Gates has always said that one of Microsoft's greatest sources for learning is from complaints. He sees them as an opportunity and turns them into a positive. Similarly, in a restaurant, if you handle the situation well you can have those same customers as your "Raving Fans". Here are some tips on how to do it:

    Deal with complaints promptly. This shows that you are serious about what they have to say and are responsible as a business owner. It does not matter how the complaint is made, in writing, by telephone, email or in person, do not delay. The longer you wait the angrier the person is going to become, and an angry customer is a talkative one.

    Provide refunds before guests request them. If a customer complains about a meal or any part of it, do not wait for them to request a credit, offer it to them first, or offer to make an immediate substitution. When you take this initiative you are showing them that you value their satisfaction more than anything. If they share the story with friends, you can only come out of it in a favourable light.

    Always look at the big picture. Don't get lost in the small stuff!! You are trying to build a business and become more successful. So when customers complain about their meal, or the service or anything at all, always try to resolve the complaints in their favour, in whatever way you think is appropriate. Customers always retain favourable memories of restaurants that are quick and efficient at resolving their complaints.

    Just a note to remember though! I do not agree with the adage that "The customer is always right". If they are valued regular, or someone you know and like, then it does apply. However there are always some people that try and take advantage of a situation, if they know they can constantly get away with it. You will know who they are if that is happening. In this instance I start to suggest that I am very sad that we do not seem to be able to satisfy them with regular occurrence, and that it might just be that our establishment is not appropriate for their requirements. I would discontinue being as generous as to offer credits or replacements. I am basically asking them to go away and eat elsewhere. It happens and if handled correctly and professionally, it does not become a problem, (for you at least). Anyone they talk to will probably know what they are like and have heard the story from them time and time again.

    11. Offer discounts

    BUT USE THEM SPARINGLY!! This is very important. I am not in favour of discounts generally, and I usually get into lots of strife from our marketing consultant at the first suggestion of it. Overuse of discounts can easily weaken your pricing structure. However in some circumstances when used cleverly, discounts can boost sales and help you build your business. But when used as a sole source of marketing, it can have a negative affect on your restaurant. However some of the following may be a possibility for you at the appropriate time:

    Give discounts to individual groups. This is a good way to entice aspecific audience to your restaurant. You could use it as a goodwill gesture too by giving offers to Rotary Clubs and similar organisations. Other groups could be teachers, students, senior citizens etc. It all depends what type of restaurant you are and what demographic you are serving. You can limit it to certain days or times.

    Create coupons. This may be more appropriate for fast food restaurants, but they can also be very effective in fine dining establishments too. Coupons are primarily designed to introduce new customers to your establishment. Giving one meal free or cheaper when another meal is purchased is always very popular. Free coffees or free deserts or appetisers can also be effective. You can also give coupons for future visits, when presenting the bill.

    Offer discounts at special times. This helps get the quieter times a bit busier. You may as well be selling some things and building you business during these times too, even if it is to a lesser extent.

    Surprise envelope discounts. This can be a bit of fun. Present a sealed envelope at the same time you present the bill. Your customers will be surprised at either a discount on their next visit, some lottery tickets, free deserts or coffees, or any other offer you think appropriate. These are fun for all involved, unexpected and easy to prepare.

    Accept competitor's coupons. This is easy, saves on printing, and gains attention. You can steal customers away from them too. It is worthwhile to investigate which coupons are generally the more productive first.

    Give away free drinks at surprise times. At quieter times get things moving by announcing free or discounted drinks as a surprise. Don't do it every day and choose different times too of course.

    Form a strategic alliance with a local cinema, or some other entertainment venue. Dining out and going to then show or a movie is a good mix. So why not partner with your local cinema, or other entertainment venue. They can just show their ticket. Maybe they will offer a discount to your customers too. Their movie listings could be available in the bar or on request.

    So look at your program of staying ahead of the competition and look at other ways to stay a step ahead.

    We looked at other ways to stay ahead of the competition in part 1 of this article which you can access at: http://www.macdonaldsgourmet.com/articles10waystostayahead.htm

    About the Author:
    Ian Macdonald as founder and owner of Macdonald's Gourmet Burgers combines his passion and knowledge of food, wine and nutrition with savvy business tactics. He is also the MD of a corporate consulting firm that advises on strategic negotiation, dispute resolution and workplace change. Clients are mainly from top 100 corporations. For lots of free resources from their extensive website go to: http://www.MacdonaldsGourmetBurgers.com

    How a Vehicle's Exhaust System Affects Its Power and Performance

    Article Presented by:
    Quinton Becker

    The stock exhaust on many cars is far more restrictive than it needs to be. Many years ago people seeking improved power and performance learned that they could achieve both by adding a larger, less restrictive exhaust system to their vehicle. Not only do new exhaust systems provide increased power, they can also generate that sound that many automotive enthusiasts like to hear from their vehicle.

    It is important to note that many of the newer cars are coming from the factory with highly tuned exhaust systems. Therefore, on some newer cars, an aftermarket exhaust might actually result in a minor loss in horsepower. The main things you need to do is learn the dimensions of your current system and compare that to the dimensions of the aftermarket system. For example, if you currently have a 1.5-inch system, and you want to upgrade to a 2-inch system, you will need to ask yourself if this modification will result in added power or will it actually decrease the power your vehicle is producing?

    In the past, cars were built without a lot of consideration given to the exhaust system. The system was simply built to fit the car, dependent upon the amount of space available left over for the system. This resulted in some pretty wild kinks and twists that were made in the exhaust system. These excessive kinks, turns, and bends resulted in the exhaust gasses running into extra roadblocks on their way out the system.

    The exhaust system is actually comprised of many individual pieces. Most commonly, the gases will leave the cylinder head and enter the exhaust manifold or the header (depending on which part your vehicle is equipped). The gases will travel through a small section of pipe, then they travel through the oxygen sensor (O2 sensor) before finding their way to the to the catalytic converter. The catalytic converter is where the gases are converted from harmful poisons into water and oxygen.

    After the water and oxygen exits the catalytic converter, it travels through more pipe leading to the muffler. The purpose of the muffler is of course to muffle the sound of the exhaust as it leaves the vehicle. Without a muffler, the vehicle would be extremely loud, so much so that you can hear the operational motor from more than a block away. After the muffler is another small section of pipe leading to the rear of the car, where the exhaust fumes are discharged.

    As you can see, there are many components that come into play when trying to modify your exhaust system. Replacing one exhaust system component and not the others can make the process of trying to increase power to your vehicle a futile endeavor.

    Many stock exhaust systems are not "mandrel bent", but aftermarket exhaust systems are made with a mandrel bent. Mandrel bending is when a set of balls, called a mandrel, is inserted into the pipe during the bending process. These balls are positioned and pulled through the pipe so that the bends are not deformed and maintain a close-to-perfect shape throughout the length of the bend. OEM exhaust systems today are most often "CNC bent", which is a process where a computer-controlled set of motors controls the position of the tube and the rotation of one bend in relation to another.

    The main advantage of mandrel bending is that the full-length of the tubing or pipe is the same diameter throughout, instead of having a smaller diameter of pipe at locations where the pipe is bent. Many have suggested that the best aftermarket exhaust systems utilize a combination process called CNC mandrel bending.

    If you understand the concept that a cars engine is basically a big vacuum cleaner that takes air in and pushes air out, then you will be able to understand the importance of the exhaust system for the overall performance of your vehicle. If you cannot get the gases out of the engine quickly, then you cannot take in clean fresh air quickly either. If you watch professional drag racing on television, you will see that the cars typically only have headers and no other exhaust. The reason for this is that there are fewer restrictions on the gases as they exit the engine. Of course, this is for professional race drivers and would not be practical or legal for street-driven vehicles.

    If you can, imagine what the stock Ford exhaust system looks like. The Ford parts are probably a very narrow diameter with many restrictions in the stock Ford mufflers, pipes and other exhaust system components. With a little bit of imagination, anyone could see how one might easily improve his or her Ford vehicle's performance with a higher flowing exhaust system.

    In addition to the performance value, a new system can also give you that throaty sound that car enthusiasts yearn to hear in their modified vehicles. You know the sound; you hear it at car shows or when cars with aftermarket systems pass you on the road. You hear them coming and think to yourself, well this person means business and they really do have some extra power under their hood.

    Overall, a new exhaust system will give you a good return of power on the amount for the amount of money spent, depending of course on your specific vehicle. A quality exhaust system will also compliment any future engine modifications that you intend to make, since more power in the engine means more gases are being pushed out of the exhaust.

    If you intend on overhauling your vehicle's exhaust system, make sure that you do it right. Given the complexity of today's vehicle exhaust systems; cutting corners may be more expensive than doing the job right the first time.

    About the Author:
    Quinton Becker writes about cars and trucks. When you are thinking about upgrading your vehicle's exhaust system, please review the DriveWire.com auto parts catalog. Drive Wire also has an extensive selection of stock and OEM Ford Auto Parts. You may reprint this article if the links are left intact.

    Sales Advice From An 8-Year Old!

    Article Presented by:
    Kim Duke

    I was driving my 8-year old niece and her little friend to a birthday party the other day.

    They were chatting (as little girls do) about dogs, their dolls, world peace and what they would do if they were the head of the country (I kid you not!)

    Keegan was telling us how she had recently sold her Barbie doll collection in the classified section of the newspaper. She said she had sold it for $100 even though she thought it was worth $500.

    I asked her."Why did you sell it for such a good price?"

    She said...

    "Customers don't want to buy greedy things from greedy people"

    You know what I was doing of course...I pulled the car over so I could find a piece of scrap paper and a pen to write her quote down!

    Are There Some "Greedy Gum-Drop" Areas In Your Business?

    As Keegan, our 8-year old marketing genius identified, customers quickly grow tired of people who continually seem to be after the quick buck.

    Most business owners or sales people don't mean to look like that...it just kind of sneaks up on them.

    It happens because of the usual suspects - lack of time, money, energy or resources. (has it ever happened to you?)

    However, that doesn't mean much in the eyes of the customer. And they start feeling like you are a little."SCROOGEY."

    What's Your Customer's Perception Of YOU?

    Everything in selling is based upon perception.

    You may feel you're offering tremendous value to your customers, however, if they don't feel the same way - then sister -you have a BIG PROBLEM!

    So what is a girl to do?

    This is a great time of year to whip together a survey and send it out to your customer base.

    A great one to use is www.surveymonkey.com and don't be spoon-feeding your customers with questions that support your own conclusions.

    Be brave!

    So here's the question to end the year with...

    "Are there any areas in my business where I am being greedy?"( as in a tight-fisted, less than stellar, carving corners at the sake of quality etc. kind of greedy)

    If so...snap out of it!

    Who says?

    Wellllll...Keegan does and so does your bossy Sales Diva.

    About the Author:
    Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides Savvy Sales Secrets for women business owners and Entrepreneurs. Sign up for Free Sales Diva Tips and receive a Free Report, "The Five Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make" at http://www.salesdivas.com

    Are Your Customer's Satisfied?

    Article Presented by:
    Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success

    Do you monitor how satisfied your customers are with the service or product provided to them? If you do, great, if not, you definitely need to start. The reason to maintain customer loyalty is obvious; look at all the competition that is in the market place. Customer loyalty to you and your product or service is a key component to maintaining a successful business.

    Where to begin? Begin by improving your and your company's listening skills at all levels. Every contact made by you or your personnel via the Internet, phone or in person is a potential "Customer Moment" and can provide early indications of potential problems. I mean everybody, from the dock to boardroom, train yourself and personnel to listen. Listen to what may be considered a trivial or off-the-cuff comment, document it and discuss internally. These comments may actually become a real customer issue, and if dealt with sooner rather than later will build customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Next, develop a feedback system that supports the collection of customer information and can even provide a response mechanism when required. To implement this system, you will need to assign a person or small team to decide what is best for your business and customer base. You might even engage some of your faithful customers in this project.

    Active listening to your customers is not easy at first, but you will recognize the power and monetary benefit of avoiding customer complaints and heading off problems before they escalate. Just remember the last time you were the recipient of poor customer service! Do not fail to act on what information you gained through your customer's voice. If additional training is required, seek out subject matter professionals and organizations to assist you.

    The investment will be worth it; just ask your customers what they think!

    About the Author:
    Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com/blog

    Seven webcopy essentials to boost sales in 2007: How to engage online visitors

    Article Presented by:
    Rick Sloboda

    Relevant webcopy is the key to engaging your website's visitors and converting more sales in 2007.

    Forrester Research forecasts that US consumers alone will spend upwards of $228 billion (U.S.) in 2007. Meanwhile, Internet World Stats reports almost 70 per cent of US and Canadian consumers are using the Internet.

    So what's the quickest and most effective way to connect with your audience and convert them into full-fledged customers? Address their real needs, and make it easy for them to find what they want.

    Be sure to employ the following webcopy tactics to establish trust and credibility with your visitors:

    1. Promote benefits Focus on your customers and emphasize benefits rather than features. Tell visitors how your product or service is going save them time or money, keep them safer, make them happier, healthier, more attractive and so on.

    2. Be objective Don't make subjective claims without evidence. Vague marketing hype like "We're the best in the business!!!" will only kill your credibility. When you make a point, back it up with facts and figures.

    3. Strong introduction Take a page from journalists; make your introductory sentences strong and meaningful. Don't bury important information in the middle or at the end of your pages.

    4. Scan-friendly Studies indicate Internet users generally scan webcopy, so keep it lean and clean. Use relevant headlines, subheads, bullet points and short, one-topic paragraphs. As a general rule, webcopy should be less than half the length of copy you would use in traditional print media, such as brochures.

    5. Organized structure Ensure information is intuitively accessible. And remember that your visitors may arrive on pages other than the homepage, so every page must be written with an introduction and links to the rest of the site.

    6. Keep it fresh Frequently updated webcopy will score points with returning visitors. Give them a reason to keep coming back.

    7. Use 'calls to action' Requests such as 'call us today' and 'e-mail us now' should be strategically placed throughout your webcopy. Sales experts suggest you need to include several calls to action within your webcopy to trigger a sale. There should be at least one call to action on every page.

    Whatever marketing trends and technologies emerge, relevant and informative webcopy will remain a key ingredient to convincing your online visitors to purchase your product or service.

    About the Author:
    Rick Sloboda is a Senior Web Copywriter at http://www.webcopyplus.com Test your webcopy with a free keyword density tool http://www.webcopyplus.com/tools Get more webcopy tips http://www.webcopyplus.com/faqs


    Valentine's Day Is The Perfect Opportunity For Romancing Your Loved One With Flowers

    Article Presented by:
    Wesley Berry, AAF

    It's a sad fact that the American culture lacks in romance-a recent survey conducted by Brusking/Goldring Research for the Society of American Florists (SAF) revealed just how bad the situation is. According to the survey, only 19 percent of men rate themselves as at least a seven on a scale of one to 10. Even worse, women agree! Only 19 percent of them rank their husbands or significant others as at least a seven. Valentine's Day may be just the opportunity men need to step up to an 8 or maybe even a 9 on the romance scale.

    The good news is that boosting those ratings could be pretty easy for most men. And, since so few men have much of a romantic streak, those who make even a small effort are sure to really stand out.

    One important step is simply to plan ahead. The SAF survey showed that only about 33 percent of men prepare for Valentine's Day at least one week in advance by buying gifts or making other special arrangements. In contrast, 30 percent wait until the day before the holiday to do anything at all. To really up their romantic rating, men should plan romantic Valentine's Day surprises for their sweethearts ahead of time.

    When ordering Valentine's Day flowers, call your florist at least a week ahead of time and ask your florist to make a floral gift that is uniquely suited to the one you love. Tell your florist a bit about her-her favorite flowers, favorite colors, and a little about her personality. To make the gift even more special, have your florist deliver it to your sweetheart when she's at work or in some other location where flowers will draw maximum attention.

    If you're on a budget, flowers might just be the best use of the money you're able to spend. Even the less expensive varieties of flowers make beautiful arrangements and are a great way to make any woman feel special. Your florist can help you get the most for your money, and your loved one is sure to appreciate the gift even if it's as simple as a single rose in a lovely bud vase.

    With just a little thought, your gift of flowers on Valentine's Day can go a long way toward making you at least an eight...or maybe even a 10 on the romance scale.

    About the Author:
    Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar floral business that was established in 1946. As a major sponsor of local-library.com and Localschoolfinder.com, Wesley Berry has worked hard on behalf of improving literacy. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at www.800wesleys.com.


    Combining Charity Work and Powerful Low Cost Marketing

    Article Presented by:
    Ian Macdonald

    Someone once told that that what we achieve for ourselves dies with us, but what we achieve for humanity lives on forever. There is nothing like the freedom of being able to become so successful that we are able to contribute towards those less fortunate. Or maybe to assist in the research to eliminate a disease or to simply improve our community in a way that will have lasting impact.

    As an entrepreneur and an owner of a number of businesses, including a restaurant, it is sometimes hard to contribute as much as we would like. New enterprises and the risks that go along with establishing them, produce all kinds of pressure that we endure for the purpose of progressing further for ourselves and for our family.

    The Greatest Low Cost Marketing Technique

    However, some time ago we discovered a way of being able to contribute more, even when funds were tight. In fact, by doing so we actually made more money and built our business faster than would have otherwise been possible. We learned this method from a marketing genius when we were looking for low cost marketing techniques.

    One of the techniques he showed us was to contribute directly to assist a patient needing urgent medical attention in Asia. We were thrilled to take this on as she would not have been assisted without our help. We publicised our project to all of our customers who were affected by the plight of this family, with whom we had direct contact. Our contribution had no administrative costs associated with it.

    We purposely took on a project to help a specific person that otherwise would not have been helped. This was because to simply say that we were donating an amount of money to a large charitable organisation, would not have the same 'call to action' on us or our customers. To see a relatively small amount of money go into a very large pot, as good as it may be, does not have the same impact.

    So we had a section of our wall in the restaurant dedicated to her plight, where all of our customers could get updates, read letters and also contribute. They could also send letters and we would check them and pass them on.

    With such an emotional effect on everyone, interest in our project became infectious and of course became a matter of community interest. This in turn attracted much free publicity for our restaurant in the newspaper and other publications and media channels. This boosted our sales enormously to the extent where we were able to contribute considerably more.

    In short, our wish to donate and contribute, rather than becoming a financial burden on our limited resources, turned out to be one of our greatest business decisions we have made. The loyalty of our customer base has increased and people take pride in being associated with us and our charity projects.

    You can do the same!

    So if you are wondering how to undertake effective low cost marketing for your business, irrespective of its size, we urge you to look at contributing to your community or some worthwhile project that you customers would also be proud to support.

    You can get more information on how you can do exactly the same thing, and build your business at the same time by visiting The Macdonald's Gourmet Burgers website.

    The marketing genius I referred to is Darrell Berg-Smith and you can get lots of his free low cost marketing resources at www.darrellberg-smith.com and also learn more about such projects at www.landofsmilesfoundation.org

    About the Author:
    Ian Macdonald as founder and owner of Macdonald's Gourmet Burgers combines his passion and knowledge of food, wine and nutrition with savvy business tactics. He is also the MD of a corporate consulting firm that advises on strategic negotiation, dispute resolution and workplace change. Clients are mainly from top 100 corporations. For lots of free resources from their extensive website go to: http://www.MacdonaldsGourmetBurgers.com

    Customer Relationship Marketing

    Article Presented by:
    Cheryl Miller

    What is CRM? Customer relationship marketing is all about building relationships with your prospects and customers. It is a proven way of increasing your sales and the customer conversion rate of your prospects and leads. It is also used to increase backend sales. One of the most important keys to developing a successful business is practicing good customer relationship marketing. Without this important element in your marketing you will not be able to progress effectively with your business.

    How do you put this powerful concept into practice? There are several ways you can build relationships with your prospects and customers:

    One of the most effective is a mailer: What is a mailer? It is a sequence of messages sent, via your autoresponder, to either your customers or leads. Offline this will be done manually and is often referred to as a drip system.. It will give more information on your product and service, with the express purpose of selling to your reader. Leads will click on a link for more information, which will set the sequence of messages off. This link can often be found on your website or in your newsletter.

    A second use for a mailer is sending a sequence of messages to your customers, to sell backend products. This will begin with a "thank you" letter and continue with information and an offer or discount for a related product. Be careful not to send too many messages in this sequence as you can lose customers when you overdo this.

    Newsletters: are very powerful tools for building up relationships with your leads. Each subscriber to your publication is a potential customer. As they continue to read your newsletter they will build a relationship with you. Over time they will trust you and your offers and become your life-long loyal customers.

    Providing good customer service and support: this is a critical area in your business and one that many businesses overlook. The better you look after your customers and subscribers the more they will build up trust for you and your company. When you treat them like the VIPs they are, your customers and subscribers will be much more inclined to buy from you.

    Building relationships through website content: Your articles and website content can also help to build good relationships with your visitors. When you write good informative content you will build up your credibility in your visitors (leads) eyes. They will perceive you as the expert and this will help to build trust and sales.

    Building relationships through your sales copy: Your sales copy is one of the main ways that you will build a rapport with your reader. It does not matter if it is a full blown sales page on your website or a small ad in a publication. The purpose is the same, to build trust and credibility between you and your reader. Making your sales copy personal with compelling benefits does this.

    Personalizing all communications: it is very important to personalize all communications to your prospects and customers. This can easily be done on your autoresponder collecting first names when you get email addresses and then putting in a small code. Offline communications should always be personalized. Personalization is not only respectful to your recipient it also makes the reader feel special. It will increase good feeling between your customer, or prospect and your business.

    These are just a few ways that you can increase sales with customer relationship marketing. Remember that business is not exclusively about dollars and cents but essentially about people. How you treat your customers and prospects will have far reaching effects on your business.

    About the Author:
    Cheryl Miller is an entrepreneur specializing in niche markets. For more information about magnetic badges and how they can help you promote your business, please visit http://www.badgemags.com/. Cheryl is also the publisher of the Magnetic Marketer Newsletter: http://www.badgemags.com/magnetic_marketer_subscribe.htm

    Turn Your Resolutions into Reality - 7 Practices for Creating What Matters Most In 2007

    Article Presented by:
    Bruce Elkin

    "Quitting smoking is easy!" quipped a friend. "I've done it hundreds of times."

    Resolutions were, to him, just a fun New Year's ritual. He didn't expect results.

    I do. So do my coaching clients. Each January they resolve to quit smoking, lose weight, get in shape, be nice, improve business, make more (or less) money, and so on. And many succeed.

    But, each year, many complain that something upsets their plans. They ignore their resolve and drift back to comfortable but ineffective habits. Instead of reaping the results and rewards they want, they create frustration, guilt, and depression.

    Sound familiar?

    If so, don't beat yourself up; that compounds guilt and depression.

    Instead, try these 7 practices to turn your resolutions into reality. They can help you create-and sustain-almost result that matters to you.


    1. Create A Clear, Compelling Vision

    Focus on what you want to create, not what you want to get rid of.

    "Lose weight" becomes "A lean, well-toned body."

    "Quit smoking" becomes "The clean, fit and healthy lungs of a non-smoker."

    It's fine to start with concepts such as "a great relationship," or "a better business." But, power comes from focusing fuzzy concepts into clear, compelling visions. Picture the success criteria of what you want to create. What will it look like when you succeed?

    A clear, compelling vision focuses energy and generates power. Which is more compelling?

    The concept, "A new car." Or, a vision of "A candy-apple red, 2007 Mini Cooper convertible with black top, beige leather interior, and six-speaker stereo."

    Envision your result as if you had already created it. "I am fit, healthy, and energetic. I weigh "x" pounds, wear size "x" slacks. I feel terrific and people compliment me.

    Later, once reality is clear, you'll set realistic sub-goals to bridge the gap between vision and reality.

    2. Assess Reality Accurately and Objectively

    Vision not rooted in reality is daydreaming.

    As well as your destination, you need to know your starting point. If you want to go to New York and think you're in Chicago, but are actually in Denver, you will go the wrong way. So, once vision is clear, carefully assess where you are now, in relationship to you desired result.

    Unfortunately, many of us misrepresent reality. Instead of describing it, we judge it. We say, "Everything is screwed up," when only a small part does not work. Or, "Everything is great," when it isn't. When we distort reality, we create a shaky foundation for action.

    The key to assessing reality is to describe it, don't judge it! Instead of saying, "Everything is screwed up," say, "There's a couple of glitches, but 90 percent of the project works well."

    Describing reality establishes a solid platform for action. Also, by making current reality emotionally neutral, vision becomes our driving force.

    3. Hold Vision and Reality Together In Creative Tension

    Creative tension is the engine of creating. It generates energy for action. Moreover, it lets us explore and experiment without getting lost.

    To set up creative tension, hold in mind a clear picture of where you want to go together with an objective description of current reality. Imagine a rubber band stretched between Vision and Current Reality. The tension in the band wants to resolve. There are only three way sit can:

  • Let go of your vision and give up your goals.
  • Lower your vision and compromise your goals.
  • Hold vision firmly and change reality so it-and you-move toward your result.

    Holding vision and reality in tension sets up an organizing framework in which to experiment, explore, learn from experience, and shape the results you want. Success comes from resolving creative tension by making choices that support your desired results.

    4. Take small steps. Create and adjust.

    Many of us are closet perfectionists. Because we demand that our first steps be perfect, when we falter we give up. Worse, fear of failing prevents us from getting started.

    Instead, take small, easy steps. See them as experiments that teach you what to do next. If you make a wrong decision, make another one. Failure is merely feedback.

    If you're not sure where to start, work backward from vision to "first steps" by asking, "Can I do this today?" If you can't, ask, "What must I do first?"

    If, for example, your vision is to be fit and energetic enough to run a half-marathon, but you get winded walking up stairs, you obviously can't do it today. So what must you do first?

    Build an aerobic base. Can you do that today? No. What must you do first?

    Working back to first steps overcomes inertia and fear.

    Completing several steps creates a pattern of success. Patterns of success increase confidence, help you stretch toward larger steps, and build momentum.

    5. Momentum

    Momentum will get you through times when motivation fails. Any time you encounter adversity is a chance to build momentum. To do so:

    1) Notice what you say to yourself about the situation, yourself, and others.

    2) Is it consistent with what you want? Is it true? Is it accurate and objective? If not, make it so.

    3) Then ask, "What do I want?" Envision a clear picture of your desired result.

    4) Choose what you want. Say, "I choose..." and add your result.

    5) Take whatever next step occurs to you.

    Use this technique when you are angry, frustrated, depressed, or faced with adversity. It'll shift your focus from problem solving to creating, and flip your mood from negative to energetic.

    6. Practice, Practice, Practice!

    We are learners. We try things, correct mistakes, and practice until the new becomes natural.

    Practice may not make us perfect, but it will make us better-and the road to success always runs through better.

    For example, a client wanted to be a "good guitar player." But, because she judged she "wasn't good," she didn't practice. When a friend showed her a simple, three-chord country song, she was confused. She wasn't good, but she could play a song.

    I helped her change her judgment to the more accurate description that she "wasn't good, yet." She started practicing, and, in no time, she was playing well.

    Making success an all or nothing leap often leaves you with nothing.

    7. Know When You Reach Your Goal

    It is not enough to say, "I want to be successful." Without guidelines for success, you are like a dog chasing its tail.

    Consistently assess your reality against the success criteria in your vision to see if it matches. If it does, you're done. Completing a creation generates new energy with which to initiate new creations. Asked what his favorite painting was, Picasso quickly answered, "My next one!"

    Finish fully, acknowledge your results, and celebrate your success. Start on your next result. Success builds on success.

    Remember, as Goethe advised, "What ever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

    Last New Year's, my friend Ken tried out this approach and hasn't smoked since.

    About the Author:
    Bruce Elkin is a writer, coach, and consultant who helps individuals and organizations create what matters most-in spite of problems, circumstances, and adversity. His ebook Emotional Mastery: Manage Your Moods and Create What Matters Most-With Whatever Life Gives You is available on his website at: http://www.BruceElkin.com.

  • How To Release The Pain Caused By Others

    Article Presented by:
    Mark Ivar Myhre

    What happens when you've been wronged by another and you want to move on? How do you let it go - get on with your life - and make sure it doesn't happen again?

    The short answer is that you forgive yourself for attracting them into your life - so you don't have to continue to carry the burden around and so that you don't repeat the same experience with another person.

    You forgive yourself for ALLOWING it to happen - not for causing it to happen.

    Right now you may be in some sort of a mental prison. There may be a lot of resentment and other similar feelings. And what you're feeling now - the bitterness, the resentment, the anger, the hurt; WILL influence your future relationships.

    Bitterness only leads to more bitterness. Hurt leads to more hurt.

    Forgiveness is a way to clear out those old feelings from the past so you will be better able to believe in yourself and trust yourself. Not to mention you'll be wiser and more perceptive.

    But are you responsible for what they did?

    No, absolutely not. You don't forgive yourself to make them 'not guilty'. You created your reality and they created theirs.

    And the realities overlapped.

    A cheater is basically that way before you meet them.

    A betrayer is a betrayer before they come into your life.

    The question is - why did I attract someone like this into my life?

    Of course you didn't KNOW they would cheat or betray you when you first met them. But then, maybe there were little hints and clues you ignored. I don't know.

    The point is, you CHOSE to allow them into your life. You allowed it to happen.

    That 'allowing' is your responsibility; something you can forgive yourself for.

    The value of forgiving yourself is -

    first of all, it's empowering to accept responsibility for YOUR contribution. Yes, I understand you were wronged. They engaged in hurtful behavior that was unjustified.

    By forgiving yourself, you don't say their behavior was acceptable. On some level, they must 'pay' for what they did. But that's not your business. (I understand many try to make it their business!)

    But you would be much more productive by dealing with YOUR contribution to these events. And not worrying about their contribution.

    "They'll get theirs."

    But look at the damage it does to YOU by not forgiving yourself.

    Maybe you don't believe in yourself anymore.

    Maybe you don't trust yourself to make good decisions.

    Maybe your self-confidence is lacking.

    Maybe you're carrying around a ton of pain.

    And I would guess many other problems as well have come up because you've been wronged.

    Forgiving yourself can heal the damage they caused.

    Also, you don't let someone 'off the hook' by forgiving yourself for what they did.


    Sorry to shout, but I want to make that point clear. By forgiving yourself, you empower yourself. You free yourself from your own private prison of pain.

    Forgiveness is a strength; it empowers you.

    By not forgiving yourself, you are not honoring or respecting yourself. You're saying you don't matter.

    Forgiveness creates freedom. Forgiveness is liberating. Forgiveness is a positive, pro-active decision. It's a deliberate choice from a position of power and responsibility.

    It's an act of character and integrity. It takes courage. I admit it's not easy to be kicked by someone and then forgive YOURSELF for being kicked. Because, "It's not me - I didn't do this! It's THEM!! They're the bad ones!"

    But finding your own contribution to being kicked is like finding a foothold to greater power and greater strength. You will become 'more' if you forgive yourself for being wronged.

    It takes enormous courage to let go of the blame. So often we seek our strength in blame. We anchor to it. And the thing is, we really are justified to blame!

    We really WERE wronged. Nobody would deny that. It's obvious.

    But what I'm saying is to go beyond the obvious. If blame really did solve problems, what a wonderful world this would be!

    But blame doesn't solve problems. In fact, it locks those problems in place.

    The trap is, you really are justified in blaming. But if you do, it keeps those painful feelings in place. You can't grow and stretch and reach for more in life when you're blaming.

    It's like putting your feelings in the freezer. And then you have to tote that freezer around with you every where you go.

    Blame is like being seduced by a beautiful woman with a hidden agenda. You think she really does like you when all she wants is your money.

    If you know her game, you can easily resist. If you turn a blind eye, you'll get taken.

    You think blame is your friend, but really all it wants is your power. You must give up your power to blame.

    I know it doesn't seem that way, because we always get a cheap hit of power when we blame. But it never lasts.

    It's like spending on credit. There's no problem until the payment comes due!

    But to me, the biggest benefit of forgiving myself for being wronged by another is that it helps to ensure that it doesn't happen again. "I've suffered enough. I don't want to go through the same situation again."

    But if I don't forgive, then most likely I WILL repeat the same mistakes again. Or else, I'll try not to love anyone else for the rest of my life. Which is almost impossible.

    More likely, since I haven't explored the reasons WHY I created a hurtful person into my life, I'll create another hurtful person into my life.

    Then I'll have to go through the same pain again.

    Just thinking about that is depressing!

    You want to live a better life, not repeat the pain of the past.

    Forgiveness helps to make things better. So next time, you'll have a better chance of finding someone who'll treat you with respect.

    Because you respected yourself enough to forgive YOURSELF for what THEY did.

    You forgave yourself for YOUR contribution; because you played a part in what happened.

    You are not a spectator in your life.

    You're not a helpless victim.

    You created what happened.

    Not by causing, but by allowing.

    You allowed another to hurt you.

    Now, you will turn it into something good by changing yourself.

    And the way to change is by recognizing what happened, feeling the impact of what happened, and forgiving yourself for why you let it happen in your life.

    And later, if you choose to forgive them as well, that's great. But always forgive yourself first - as an acknowledgement to yourself that YOU are in charge of your life - not them.

    Why didn't they go ruin someone else's life instead of trying to ruin yours? You may never know.

    But the fact is, you let them in, they betrayed you, and now you're left to pick up the pieces.

    Okay, you will.

    You'll be a winner. You'll take their sucker punch to your gut, and you'll become a better person. Not a bitter, beaten loser. You'll take the pain they tried to dump on you and use it to become strong and powerful.

    You'll find the good in their act of wrongness.

    While they will in all likelihood continue to be a punishing person.

    Maybe someday you'll forgive them for their misdeeds, but for now you're ready to grow and heal and move on.

    Remember the old saying -

    Living Well Is The Best Revenge!

    Forgiveness can be that first step to living well.

    About the Author:
    Mark Ivar Myhre, The Emotional Healing Wizard, claims you can make a greater change in your life in the next two hours than most people make in their entire lifetime. Go to http://www.forgive-yourself.com

    20 Great Restaurant Ideas To Promote Customer Loyalty - Part 2

    Article Presented by:
    Ian Macdonald

    This is the second part to this article on 20 Great Restaurant Ideas To Promote Customer Loyalty: http://www.macdonaldsgourmet.com/articles20greatrestaurantideasP1.htm

    It does not matter how well your restaurant is doing or what marketing you have planned, there are always lots of little things you can do that cost virtually no money. Here are some great ideas that we find are very effective in building customer loyalty... other than just our great nutritious food (and sometimes they have provided some great free publicity):

    11. Offer a free meeting room

    Where it is appropriate, especially if marketing to executives, offer a free meeting room, or set aside a special area. Make sure you let your customers know the room is available.

    12. Offer free umbrellas during wet weather

    You can get inexpensive ones to give away or large solid ones that are printed with the restaurant name and website on them. The big ones can be returned on their next visit or dropped back any time. Or they can be given away too when appropriate.

    13. Offer a calculator with the bill

    This is handy for large groups.

    14. Make adjustments for customers with disabilities

    While you already meet all legal requirements, it is good to promote that you go that extra mile for any special needs.

    15. Create a Wall of Fame for regulars

    Regular diners like to feel special. It works the same for take away too. You can take a photo, add a short bio and even include their favourite meal. You can do the same on your website.

    16. Buy regular guests a bottle of wine

    You know who the regulars are. They are also one of you strongest marketing people. Treat them accordingly. Take the wine to them personally. The results will be repaid ten fold.

    17. Start a mug club

    This idea can be applied to countless possibilities, but the mug idea can be used almost anywhere. They can be kept at the café or bar and the patron even pays a fee for the purchase of the mug, or glass, or expensive bottle of Whisky or Brandy in Licensed restaurants.

    18. Be a teacher

    Offer food education nights or lunches or even mornings on the weekend. Cooking shows, demonstrations or classes can all be very popular and can attract free publicity.

    19. Have the chef deliver or accompany the food occasionally

    This is a sure fire way to impress guests. They love it. It makes them feel important and it allows the chef to get out of the kitchen and speak to the customers.

    20. Name a menu item after a customer

    Just asking a customer for this privilege is a great compliment to them. Don't do it too often unless you have an extensive menu that you want to use this method as a theme.

    21. Always give a bit more than you promise...(like we have right now with this extra 21st suggestion)

    This is what every business, including restaurants, should do. Anything extra, small or large is always appreciated.

    Of course there are many other things you can do, and maybe this list will help you think of many others too.

    About the Author:
    Ian Macdonald as founder and owner of Macdonald's Gourmet Burgers combines his passion and knowledge of food, wine and nutrition with savvy business tactics. He is also the MD of a corporate consulting firm that advises on strategic negotiation, dispute resolution and workplace change. Clients are mainly from top 100 corporations. For lots of free resources from their extensive website go to: http://www.MacdonaldsGourmetBurgers.com

    20 Great Restaurant Ideas To Promote Customer Loyalty - Part 1

    Article Presented by:
    Ian Macdonald

    It does not matter how well your restaurant is doing or what marketing you have planned, there are always lots of little things you can do that cost virtually no money. Here are some great ideas that we find are very effective in building customer loyalty... other than just our great nutritious food (and sometimes they have provided some great free publicity):

    1. Have menus in Braille

    Braille and picture only menus can be created at www.brailleenterprises.com or through www.hotbraille.com. In Australia contact www.visionaustralia.org.au. You may also want to include some training for your staff members so they will be prepared to deal with customers with special needs.

    2. Provide reading material for single diners

    When single guests come in for a meal, you can help make their experience more enjoyable by providing free newspapers, books, magazines for their reading enjoyment. Maybe even subscribe to a publication that a regular enjoys reading. You can also use information, like articles, from your website like we do. They are very popular.

    3. Have a delivery service for the elderly

    Elderly diners sometimes find it difficult to leave the house in order to eat at your restaurant. Keep their business by making them feel special. Give them a menu to keep at home and you could even distribute them to seniors' activity clubs and other appropriate venues.

    4. Create a designated driver program

    You could have free non alcoholic drinks for the designated driver.

    5. Guarantee everything

    Would you be more likely to buy something if you knew you couldn't lose?? It's not so much a refund offer as a promise that your food and service is exceptional.

    6. Give free postcards

    Are you in area with lots of tourism? Then you can offer free postcards to guests. You might even offer to mail them. You can even create your own. Regulars might like them to send to friends or family that are away.

    7. Offer free event cakes

    When customers are celebrating Birthdays, anniversaries, or special accomplishments, it's a compliment to you and your restaurant. People that tend to celebrate also tend to bring larger parties and spend more money.

    8. Offer free samples of new menu items

    People love to taste before they buy. They also love getting anything that is complimentary. You can even do this while they are waiting, or even give them something to take home if it does not need to be warm.

    9. Offer hooks for purses at the table

    This is one of those things that drives some people nuts!! It allows things to be kept off the floor, it provides a sense of security for you guest and it makes them think that you are always thinking about them. This can make a big difference to diners.

    10. Provide imaginative after dinner treats

    We have all received that complimentary mint after dinner with the bill. But why be ordinary...make an impact! It can be a flower, or a toy for the kids, or a key ring or a small diary at the beginning of the year. There are lots of options that can make an impact.

    Of course there are many other things you can do, and maybe this list will help you think of many others too.

    About the Author:
    Ian Macdonald as founder and owner of Macdonald's Gourmet Burgers combines his passion and knowledge of food, wine and nutrition with savvy business tactics. He is also the MD of a corporate consulting firm that advises on strategic negotiation, dispute resolution and workplace change. Clients are mainly from top 100 corporations. For lots of free resources from their extensive website go to: http://www.MacdonaldsGourmetBurgers.com


    Eat Right and Boost your Immune System

    Article Presented by:
    DBA AdPro Media Sales, All Rights Reserved Written by: Kamau Austin

    Go ahead and add boosting your immune system to your ever-growing list of reasons why you should eat right. Long or not the reality is, who has time to eat right?

    You know it's important to eat right, but you just don't have any time left over at the end of the day to give good eating much thought. But remember "You are what you eat" so if you're feeling like a jelly donut right now then perhaps it's time you start making changes to your diet. And here's another reason why you should...

    You immune system deserves it!

    When you consider all that your immune system is responsible for, it's more important than ever to give it the tools it needs to do its job right. The immune system is your body's first line of defense against foreign invaders, but you don't need to arm it with swords or guns. All your immune system needs is some good old vitamins and minerals; the kind you can find right in your neighborhood grocery store.

    Whether you get these important vitamins and minerals naturally from the foods you eat or you get them by taking nutritional supplements doesn't matter much at this stage. You've got to do whatever is easier to get those nutrients into your body so they can start running your immune system, and the rest of your body, more efficiently. Ideally it's better to eat right rather than to rely on supplements, especially since there's always the risk of over-supplementation (ingesting too much of a vitamin or mineral), but that's the topic for a different article.

    What to feed your immune system

    You're probably wondering which vitamins and minerals your immune system needs most. At the top of the list is Vitamin C. Not only is it an important immune system-boosting vitamin, it's also a powerful antioxidant. Your body needs antioxidants to help neutralize free radicals which is the most effective way to control the cell damage that free radicals can cause. Like rust on the body of your car, your body can suffer irreversible damage from the oxidizing effects of free radicals. A lifetime of unchecked free radicals can weaken the immune system and that in turn can compound the effects of aging.

    Vitamin C is abundant in oranges and other citrus fruit and it's also found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, papaya, red pepper, strawberries and spinach. It helps the immune system produce more white blood cells (the cells that help fight infection) and beneficial antibodies such as interferon, a cell coating that helps cells keep viruses out. Getting more Vitamin C into your system won't prevent you from developing a cold or the flu, but it can help lessen the severity of the symptoms and it can help you recover more quickly.

    Vitamin E is another antioxidant that helps the immune system boost its reserves of "killer cells," those naturally-occurring cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells and germs. The body also needs Vitamin E to produce the immune system antibodies that destroy bacteria. Studies are ongoing to determine whether the boost that Vitamin E gives the immune system can also help slow or even reverse the aging process. Nuts, seeds and grains are rich sources of Vitamin E and so are vegetable, corn, sunflower, canola, soybean, olive and palm oils.

    The mineral Zinc is also very beneficial to your body's immune system. Zinc ramps up the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and T-cells, and the system's natural killer cells that help fight germs. Besides helping to increase production, Zinc enhances the fighting capabilities of these cells. Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc.

    Carotenoids, bioflavonoids, garlic, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids are some other nutrients that help boost the effectiveness of your immune system. And so is the herbal supplement Immunitril(tm). This revolutionary complex is a unique combination of herbs, extracts, minerals, and anti-oxidant vitamins providing maximum support for immune system function. To see how others express their experience using Immunitril(tm) search for Immunitril(tm) at www.Amazon.com and www.BODeStore.com.

    Once you learn more about the many ways these nutrients positively impact your immune system, you'll wonder why you didn't start eating better a long time ago!

    About the Author:
    Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on a health or fitness program.

    Written by the V-Team courtesy Kamau Austin Publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips on supporting our immune systems with Immunitril(tm) at http://www.healthandfitnessvitality.com/blogs/fitnessblog.htm

    Exercise Gives your Immune System a Boost!

    Article Presented by:
    DBA AdPro Media Sales, All Rights Reserved Written by: Kamau Austin

    Sounds like the latest tabloid headline, doesn't it? But it's not. It's the truth and it's just one more reason why you need to find time to work a bit of exercise into your daily routine. Read along to learn more about the benefits of exercise on your immune system.

    Why should I care about boosting my immune system?

    Whenever you have a cold or the flu, or whenever you cut yourself, your body's immune system immediately kicks into high gear. The immune system is a fairly complex system of organs and cells spread throughout your body. It's the system that's responsible for identifying and for fighting off foreign invaders such as bacteria, parasites and fungi. Without an immune system, your body would have little chance of remaining healthy. When your immune system becomes compromised, diseases like cancer and AIDS can take over.

    No matter how old you are, you've probably heard that it's important to exercise regularly. You understand that exercise is neccessary for maintaining proper weight. You might even understand that exercise is an excellent way to help reduce your stress levels. But one thing you might not realize about exercise is that it also plays a role in keeping your immune system healthy.

    How exercise helps your immune system

    Exactly how exercise keeps your immune system strong and healthy is an area that is beginning to be studied in earnest. Scientists have known for years that exercise helps strengthen the immune system; they just haven't been able to figure out exactly how it does so.

    Exercise helps lift your mood, relieves anxiety and depression, and promotes sociability, so one area that's being studied is a potential connection between the central nervous system and the immune system.

    Another area of study is focused on the effects of exercise on individuals with already compromised immune systems. One such study involved women undergoing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Results of this study suggested that women who became involved in moderate exercise a few times each week after completing breast cancer treatment actually were able to bring their immune cell counts back up to "normal" levels. Their immune systems also made more lymphocytes (white blood cells) and had lower levels of inflammatory markers.

    More is Not Better!

    Contrary to what you might think, exercising longer and more strenuously won't make your immune system better and stronger. What is most effective when it comes to giving your immune system a boost is moderate exercise such as walking, swimming or bicycling performed 3 or 4 times per week. Believe it or not, more exercise than this can actually cause the immune system to weaken. How could this be?

    The reason really isn't that complicated. When people exercise strenuously, their bodies begin to release cortisol and adrenaline. If you don't know what cortisol and adrenaline are, well they're more commonly referred to as the "stress" hormones. The release of these two hormones can cause an increase in your blood pressure and an increase in cholesterol. And just as dangerous, they can cause the immune system to become suppressed. Their release is the reason why individuals who participate in endurance or extreme exercise are more susceptible to infection.

    Exercise can combat the effects of age

    Besides foreign invaders and excessive exercise, the aging process can also cause your immune system to become compromised. A compromised immune system later in life can bring on the symptoms of several age-related diseases including macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. Studies have also shown that a physically active lifestyle all throughout life can help prevent age-related declines in certain antibodies that are produced by the immune system. And once again, the type of exercise does not matter.

    In addition to incorporating exercise into your daily routine, take a look at Immunitril(tm). It's an herbal supplement that may also help give your immune system a boost. You won't find Immunitril(tm) in your grocery store, though. Right now it's only available at select e-tailers and online stores like Amazon.com and BODeStore.com. If you'd like more information, simply visit Amazon.com and search for Immunitril(tm).

    About the Author:
    Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on a health or fitness program.

    Written by the V-Team courtesy Kamau Austin Publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips on supporting our immune systems with Immunitril(tm) at http://www.healthandfitnessvitality.com/blogs/fitnessblog.htm

    Stress can Kill You More Ways than you Think!

    Article Presented by:
    DBA AdPro Media Sales, All Rights Reserved Written by: Kamau Austin

    When you think of stress and how it can kill you, do you picture a middle-aged, chain-smoking male with a big rig tire stretched across his belling yelling profanities into his cell phone and think, Nah, that's not going to happen to me!

    Now, imagine a picture you probably can relate to: a middle-aged, stay-at-home-mom, caring for several over-scheduled children who smokes (but not in front of the children) and drinks a glass or two of wine (or more but who's counting) at the end of the day so she can unwind. Maybe you're not a stay-at-home-mom, but you're holding down a full-time job instead.

    Regardless of the image particulars, do you know what these images have in common? They're both examples of people living stressful lives, who are in serious danger of compromising their immune systems.

    Good stress vs. Bad stress

    So often stress is thought of negatively. It's frequently associated with feelings of anxiety, as happens just before you're going to give a speech before a crowd. Or with change, like when you're moving or when someone you love has died or while you're going through a divorce or even when you've got way too much on your plate.

    But when it comes to the immune system, stress is the signal this system needs to start preparing for battle. The moment the immune system believes danger is imminent, such as when an injury is about to happen or when a virus has infiltrated one of the body's first lines of defense, stress hormones become stimulated and the number of stress hormone receptors increase.

    This increase is what triggers the immune cells into action. The immune cells leave the bloodstream and travel to the affected tissues where they then deal with whatever organism is invading the body. When the immune cells are finished fighting, the number of stress receptors reverts back to normal. This is an example of what happens with acute stress, the "good" stress, and it's the type of stress the body's immune system was designed to handle.

    Chronic stress on the other hand is bad. With chronic stress, your body is constantly stressed. As a result, stress hormones are constantly being released. Like they're supposed to do, the immune cells go out searching for something to fight but they aren't able to find anything to fight because the stress isn't being caused by an injury or a parasite or a virus. It's being caused by too much work, or feelings of depression or whatever else is causing constant stress.

    Over time, the immune cells start to think that high levels of stress hormones are the new "norm" and they learn to adapt to these higher levels. Instead of preparing for battle when stress receptor levels are high, they don't react at all or they react with much less strength.

    The immune system then becomes involved in somewhat of a "boy who cried wolf" scenario. With stress receptors constantly high, immune cells don't become stimulated, and if they do react at all, it's usually with less efficiency and effectiveness. What this means is that when disease and infections do occur, it takes your body longer to heal and recover from them.

    You've got to learn to cope

    If you feel stressed all the time, you need to learn ways to better cope with stress. Your immune system and your health depend on it. Too many people turn to high-fat/high-carb foods, smoking or alcoholic beverages as a way of coping with stress. Doing so might seem right at the moment, but these actions only bring about a whole new set of problems within your body.

    There are better ways. Learning deep breathing techniques, yoga and meditation may work for you, attending support groups, counting to 10, bike riding, running and avoiding confrontations are all positive steps you can take to deal with stress. And I also suggest looking into promising high quality supplements for immune system support.

    An example of such supplements is Immunitril(tm). Immunitril(tm) is an herbal supplement that may help boost your immune system especially during cold and flu season. You can find out more about Immunitril(tm) at select etailers like Amazon.com and the BODeStore.com.

    About the Author:
    Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on a health or fitness program.

    Written by the V-Team courtesy Kamau Austin Publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips on supporting our immune systems with Immunitril(tm) at http://www.healthandfitnessvitality.com/blogs/fitnessblog.htm

    Preventing Cold and Flu by Changing Your Family's Bad Habits

    Article Presented by:
    DBA AdPro Media Sales, All Rights Reserved Written by: Kamau Austin

    If you become sick this cold and flu season, you're going to count on your immune system working overtime to make you better. Will it let you down? What about your children? If they become sick, will their immune systems take care of them? You better hope so.

    But rather than hoping for the best, why not take time now to incorporate a few changes into your daily routines? If you're not doing so already, it's time to get your family moving more, eating right, getting more sleep and practicing better hygiene. Why? Because the better everyone's overall state of health, the better everyone's chances are of getting through the cold and flu season without getting sick!

    Eat right to help combat colds and flu

    Coffee, sugary juices and cereal bars for breakfast, soda, pizza and Chinese take-out for dinner. Does this sound familiar? With all the demands on your family's time, this probably is how your family eats. The kids might like it, but in time their health is going to suffer.

    The immune system and all of the other systems inside their bodies need a good mix of vitamins and minerals to work right. The best sources of these important nutrients are fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, good fats and foods with calcium. You might think you're feeding your family well when you bring home a veggie pizza on wheat crust, but you really aren't. You've got to take time to cook at home where you're able to control what and how you cook.

    In addition to boosting your family's immune systems, when you feed your family a nutritionally-balanced diet, you'll also be lowering their weight, their risks of cardiovascular disease, their "bad" cholesterol levels, their blood pressure, and their chances of becoming obese or developing diabetes!

    Exercise counts, too

    It's one thing to get all those vitamins and minerals into their bodies, but once inside, those nutrients need to get around. That's why moderate exercise is so important. Exercise increases the blood's circulation, which helps those nutrients get where they're needed. And with cold and flu season approaching, they need to be heading towards the immune system, so start moving now!

    Don't wait until you become sick to start exercising! That's not going to help. In fact, if someone does come down with a cold or the flu, they're not going to feel like working out; they're going to feel miserable and want to rest!

    As the temperature gets colder, it can be harder to get the kids outside. But you've got to try. Here are some ideas to get your family moving. Bundle up and go sledding. Take a walk through newly-fallen snow. Try cross-country skiing or dog sledding, or ice skating.

    Rest and reduce stress

    All that exercising in the cold weather is certain to tire everyone out and that's a good thing. If your family's always on the move, there's a good chance everyone needs more sleep anyway. If you don't think there's enough time in the day to exercise then your family could be overwhelmed and feeling stressed. Stress only hinders the immune system, so take steps to eliminate stress from your home, starting right now.

    Wash and cover

    And finally, teach your family what they can do to help stop the spread of the viruses that cause colds and flu. Teach them to wash their hands with hot water and soap several times a day and to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. They can use either their hands or tissue just as long as they wash afterwards. And they've got to keep away from others who are sick.

    Remember, the immune system's job is to constantly be on the look out for foreign invaders. When you teach your family how to take care of their bodies by exercising, eating right, getting rest, reducing stress, and practicing proper hygiene, you're helping them build stronger immune systems. Then, when trouble starts brewing, their immune systems can kick into action.

    Along with changing your family's bad habits, consider adding immune boosting supplements like Immunitril(tm) to their daily regimes. Immunitril(tm) is an herbal remedy designed with rich ingredients to help give your immune system additional support. You'll find it at outstanding online stores like www.Amazon.com and www.BODeStore.com.

    About the Author:
    Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on a health or fitness program.

    Written by the V-Team courtesy Kamau Austin Publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips on supporting our immune systems with Immunitril(tm) at http://www.healthandfitnessvitality.com/blogs/fitnessblog.htm

    Do Not Post Your Resume' Online - Until You Read This!

    Article Presented by:
    Kent Jacobson a.k.a. Mr. Success

    Do not post your résumé online until you understand exactly what you may be getting into. The Internet is a wonderful tool to utilize when and if you are looking for a job or a change of career. However, there are some consequences of putting your résumé out for the world to look at that you may not be aware of.

    Some of these consequences have to do with the format of your résumé and the content you include. Here are my top five items to address before posting your résumé online and why.

    1. Get a unique email address for your résumé. Why? Because you do not want your primary email account tied up with the responses or the spam spiders out looking for new email addresses. You can get additional email accounts from your current service provider or online for free most of the time. Believe me, if you do nothing else, get a different email account; and you may even consider getting a different account for each type of career you are searching for.

    2. Include a professional summary at the beginning of your résumé; the statement is about your qualifications and accreditations to date. This summary should be well thought out and only be two to three sentences in length. Why? In this summary you want to target the career specific key words appropriate for the job you are seeking.

    3. Do not embellish or inflate the content included in your résumé. Be accurate and concise. Why? Simply, you do not need to; just be yourself and promote the qualities and qualifications you have. Also, you can be inundated with potential jobs that you may not be qualified for but have to sift through anyway. The résumé is a first step in introducing and promoting yourself; do not jeopardize a great job because you fibbed a little...you will get trapped eventually.

    4. Make sure the last page of your résumé includes an additional 5 to 10 key words; hide the viewable color by changing the text to white (so these are not printed out). Why? The search engine spiders will find these key words, but they will not show up the print copy.

    5. Keep the content specific to the career or job you are seeking. Why? The effort to sift through the jobs takes time, and you want to utilize this time wisely. I suggest if there are crossover jobs, you use separate résumés for each and set up different email accounts to keep you organized.

    One final piece of data you should be aware of, only 20% of people actually find a job via the Internet. Guess how the other 80% got their job? Through personal and professional networking! Think about it, the human resource person may get up to a hundred résumés a day for Internet posting; would it not be better to have someone on the inside that allowed your résumé to be reviewed by the hiring manager and let them consider your qualifications first! Good luck and keep up the positive attitude on your path to success.

    About the Author:
    Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the success field and provides valuable success information for free through his website at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com . You can also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at: http://www.Shortcut2Success.com/blog